yo guys, the day I'm traveling is the day you decide to post a bunch? come ooonnn
Ok, I know I was the first one to vote for Nin in this round, but barring his suspicious behavior thus far - which can be viewed as him just having a big mouth - there seems to be some serious evidence here in the form of logic traps.
Specifically, I'm talking about the gossips and the light sleeper, Kalor. These roles exist to gather evidence, but it would far too contrived if they were made to gather evidence for HHA. It's possible, yes, but the purpose would be redundant considering the HHA are the ones with their own private line of communication with which they can already gather information that we reveal through discussion and making decisions on that information. Really, it would feel unbalanced as heck. That's not to say that the HHA wouldn't have any special roles, but at the least the gossip feels like a redundant role for HHA. So, to make these roles relevant, it's almost certain that an HHA member resides in each of those ranges. However, I was not aware that the gossip chats opened information up to others that could be chatted with, like Darryl finding out Timeaisis is an ordinary villager; I'm at least 50% certain this could have been used to back francorp's alibi. His reasoning for targeting these two players holds up, but it's pretty weird that he chose two players next to each others - linked by the gossip's private chat. Unfortunately, that makes things very trick for that group.
However, barring that complication, I think the simplest solution is probably what is true. Razmos exists to capture an HHA member. Timeaisis is an ordinary villager. Razmos knows Darryl has a special role. Hobohodo is the HHA member.
I think Foshy and Kalor's roles are more viable for evidence gathering and speculation. Foshy's chatted with Ouro already, which didn't tell us much, but that's still a pool of two from which there is likely an HHA member. It's a 50/50 chance, but I'm leaning towards Ouro being a much more likely suspect. Like I said, I've had a lot of time to think on this on my 6 hours driving, and Nin seems to just be suffering from foot in mouth syndrome.
Last time one person sent in the kill order, I'd imagine it's the same this time
Fuller post coming later, just about to leave work
As for Kalor, I think it's an interesting set-up to be sure. For one, it could be a commuter. Mazre mentioned that, but it occurred to me as well. It makes sense that the ability wasn't used on the second night, so as to mirror Tucah's role. On the other hand, barring a one time use ability (which, given the balancing that would have to exist, would probably have had a huge visible effect on the game), there's a possibility that the activity Kalor heard on night 1 was the contracted HHA member used for the eviction of Tucah. It makes sense that Kalor, as a town role, would be placed in the range of an HHA member that he could detect. I think we'll for sure know more about this in day 3, so I'm willing to sit on it.
Curiously, if all of these roles are all indeed "traps" for the HHA, then that basically covers 3/4 of the map. That means there would also have to be an HHA member somewhere in the bottom right corner of the map, which has become surprisingly scant as of late... Leaving 21GunShow, Utron, and myself as possible HHA if we're following that train of logic (which is pretty speculative, even among all the other things I've said in this post).
Further speculation: I'm starting to think Ultron has straight out lied about his role. The first thing that jumped out at me was the inconsistency between what his role does and who it is aligned with. However, having that role being town-aligned and the investigator as a two-for-one is kind of ridiculous if the HHA ever do attack the roomies. Again, we go back to square one, with there having to be some kind of protection from HHA for the investigator role because of how big a target it is. That would be that they can't get to the investigator without evicting one of their own, Ultron.
I propose:
franconp investigate me on night 3
Razmos if still possible do NOT invite hobohodo today, wait till day phase 4
We still need to evict someone, more thoughts on this in a bit.
Why and why?