Same. I want to look around and at the gossips. Your quadrant is also kind of suspect for being the only place without any "detectors" nearby, although I guess it's kind of a foregone conclusion that the roommates are suspicious.
I think today we should look at the people who claimed ordinary villager as I bet we have at least one HHA among them. Some people claimed villager and no-one questioned it because why would you? No reason to think twice about a ordinary villager which is why I think there must be a HHA there. Out of the ordinary villager and unclaimed role list, these people stand out to me:
I haven't changed my mind in nin from yesterday but I go between the idea of them being HHA or not. Right now I am leaning towards them being a villager.
SalvaPot claimed villager between a bunch of other claims which looked like them trying to throw in a claim when people
would question it the least. Another point that nin mentioned on D2 was that SalvaPot voted for Freakzilla 10 minutes after I made a post mentioning them and Darryl followed the vote shortly after. SalvaPot has been part of all the lynches so far and always goes with the bandwagon, such as voting for freakzilla when freakzilla was getting a lot of votes then they it changed to HippieHobo.
Darryl might be the person that stood out to me the most as on D2 they started posting and referring to stuff as if they participated on D1 which they didn't. Of course HippieHobo did the same but they were trying to learn the game while Darryl doesn't appear to be as inexperienced.Since D2 they've been active but not regularly posting.
Just thought I'd put this out there since I've been thinking about SalvaPot and Darryl for a while now.
Yeah, I was thinking about my quadrant as well. I was thinking maybe 21GunShow's former position would be a good place to put a town gossip, as would mine, but I don't think either of us are gossips. I know this is metagaming, but 21GunShow's inactivity and subsequent booting from the game (in other words, his overall disinterest in the game) makes me believe that he was ordinary, so I think LunacticMD is ordinary now. Same reasoning for Ezekel.
On that note, there have been two roles so far that have used range as a factor in their abilities: town gossip and light sleeper. Are we convinced there would be any more? I'm starting to think we've reached the extent of that mechanic. Perhaps there's another light sleeper in play, though. Looking at the list of unconfirmed players, there's not much room for many more roles, even if they all have different roles. There's a high chance of a doctor in that pool of players.
That's some stretchy defense for those two players. This game is a huge time commitment. I think it's far more likelier that in this group of 25 people, 2 of them just got overwhelmed. Quite a few people playing this game has had some guilty "sorry I need to catch up" moment. I was out of town for 3 days at one point. The demographics of this forum are probably a lot older and busier than most.
To kingkitty's credit, of the people around Kalor - Mazre, Haly, RobotNinja - kingkitty is the only one who hasn't claimed a role. What Kalor has heard on the past three night phases is consistent with what a commuter's activity would sound like: activity on night 1, no activity on night 2, activity on night 3. kingkitty was on a short list of players who hadn't had his role confirmed, and the HHA has been targeting players from that list in the first two nights; the third night, they missed their target for some reason. I think it's likelier that they targeted a commuter on night 3 than a doctor actually managing to guess which player was being targeted correctly.
On the other hand, Kalor's role in conjunction with the roles around him prove a little weird. I mean, out of 4 people around him, two are ordinary villagers (supposedly) and one is a gossip, supposedly. What's the point of the role other than to throw a red herring out?
Darryl might be the person that stood out to me the most as on D2 they started posting and referring to stuff as if they participated on D1 which they didn't. Of course HippieHobo did the same but they were trying to learn the game while Darryl doesn't appear to be as inexperienced.Since D2 they've been active but not regularly posting.
Well, the other thing to consider is that if these were HHA members, what happens if they have to come to a decision in the night phase and they're still MIA?
Besides, even the people who say they need to catch up do so then eventually post something meaningful or have a string of posts actually discussing what they've read. 21GunShow and SmokinGunZ did neither.
Would the game reach a stalemate or something? I assume that another player on the HHA would just push through an eviction target and we'd never know the difference. And yea, that sounds like they're disinterested. Maybe it's because this game had a slow start. Maybe it's because they didn't know what they were getting into. But I think that saying they quit because they didn't have a role is taking it far. It's not like they can re-roll. The extra roles have additional responsibilities which just make it likelier for someone to get overwhelmed and bail. And let's face it, on GAF not finishing a game you're playing is like status quo.
Kingkitty was my gamble for the player that would've gotten evicted in that last night phase. Having his role be commuter would make a lot of sense. I think it was so obvious that a doctor could've guessed it, too. To me it felt like we had pressured him into revealing that he had an important role.
I think today we should look at the people who claimed ordinary villager as I bet we have at least one HHA among them. Some people claimed villager and no-one questioned it because why would you? No reason to think twice about a ordinary villager which is why I think there must be a HHA there. Out of the ordinary villager and unclaimed role list, these people stand out to me:
I would expand your list with those names Ordinary Villagers
What made you think that those players are not as suspicious as the players you mentioned?
It smells mate! I don't fall for those kind of traps.
Is Tamo on that list meant to be me? Just checking!
Quick one while I'm on the train to work, sorry for any autocorrects.
Good result last night with freak 'just' being an ordinary town, and nice to see we have someone watching our backs!
The main things I'm interested in at the moment are those players surrounding Kalor. It is odd that there's uneven activity, but would we have another Tucah like role? Not impossible by any means since we have 3 gossips..
And then also the housemates. On one side they're 2 players and still here so the HHA hasn't gone for them for some reason? They did last night but we're blocked? I'm a bit worried that all of frans info comes from gossip involved players, and I guess I missed asking for suggestions, I thought he said he just wouldn't say as not to let the HHA know his intentions.
And maybe the other hobo, given their location between the two gossips. Too obvious given the town gossip roles were bound to come out at some point? Or a helping hand from Karkador!
To kingkitty's credit, of the people around Kalor - Mazre, Haly, RobotNinja - kingkitty is the only one who hasn't claimed a role. What Kalor has heard on the past three night phases is consistent with what a commuter's activity would sound like: activity on night 1, no activity on night 2, activity on night 3. kingkitty was on a short list of players who hadn't had his role confirmed, and the HHA has been targeting players from that list in the first two nights; the third night, they missed their target for some reason. I think it's likelier that they targeted a commuter on night 3 than a doctor actually managing to guess which player was being targeted correctly.
On the other hand, Kalor's role in conjunction with the roles around him prove a little weird. I mean, out of 4 people around him, two are ordinary villagers (supposedly) and one is a gossip, supposedly. What's the point of the role other than to throw a red herring out?
I would say the reason those don't look suspicious is just general feeling I've gotten from them. I would say Kalor feels the same way.
While I agree that there probably is a commuter in that group, it's not easy to determine if a commuter exists based on last night's information - franconp's investigation on Mazre would have triggered Kalor's ability, no?
Sure I got it, but I mean there are several other players who did not chime in, so keep an open mind about all of them.![]()
I know you want to save your mafia buddies but please try harder :3
we know francorp investigated Tucah night 1 and the HHA targeted Tucah as well. There's a slim chance a doctor role went for someone in Kalor's range, though it still exists.
I didn't investigate Tucah. The first night I investigated Razmos.
So far my investigations have been:
Night 1: Razmos
Night 2: Timeaisis
Night 3: Mazre
I just want us to be a happy village without all this violence. I would live in harmony with these HHA if they weren't such meanies. :/
I guess that leads to the question of whether Kalor can hear activity done unto players in his range.
I don't get notified if someone in my area is visited or a action is done on them.
Is more like people are waiting. The only way to get a reaction is to nominate people and see how they deal with it.
At this point I just want Lunatic to actually say something. He/she hasn't posted anything other than the initial "hello."
I somehow completely forgot about him. What do we know about him?
I'm just a normal, run of the mill villager.
You wouldn't evict one of your own, would you?
hate that most of the players are inactivebut well guess we cant force everyone to post.
Or can we ?!
If we did have another (town sided) commuter, what's to stop them from just coming forward? I guess they could be a red herring to a HHA role?
It's like the last Mafia thread - apparently the Mafia guys were going crazy trying to evict...Palmer (I think?), but he was a sleepwalker and was never in his house when they tried to lynch him.
Reading through the old thread, Kark was a sick son of a bitch in that game. Makes me wary than anything is as it seems in this one...
We also need a prod for lunatic.
Welp, with nothing else to go on. We need something to go off of for this day's vote. Unless someone makes a better argument, maybe look at these votes for both hippie/freak.
Ourobolus - ended up unvoting for hippie.
Maybe KingKitty with his weird posting in regards to his town alignment. Don't know what happened last night, but if there was a role block, that could possibly lead to more information on who a HHA member is.
It's like the last Mafia thread - apparently the Mafia guys were going crazy trying to evict...Palmer (I think?), but he was a sleepwalker and was never in his house when they tried to lynch him.
Toma disappears for long periods of time and he's survived in this game before by doing that; very suspect.