Toma, while I don't necessarily suspect you (I mean, you are on my list, but further down), can you explain why you haven't voted? I mean, you've voted a few times but unvoted before the final tally each time.
I've read up on the events and I'm just gonna come clear and state that I'm town gossip too, just like Razmos. Ourobolus can confirm, as I invited him over on the last day phase. I've been staying over at my SO's house for the last few days irl so I forgot about the game again and didn't post anything in the private chat, so sorry about that again.
Everything Razmos said about his role applies to me too so I'm inclined to believe him, especially considering our relative positions on the map, with both of us having 3 neighbors and being on the opposite sides of the town, thus creating 2 separate gossip groups.
Vote: salvapot
Prolific voter. Voted for two confirmed village aligned players. In one of our blind spots.
He hammered a vote for hippiehobo as well (tipped what would've been a tie).
Oh yeah, forgot to mention why the vote. I find the way he words his actions suspicious, but always having the need to justify his absence. I dunno, it might change the vote if we get a better lead.
Also, don´t evict SalvaPot, he has a face you can trust =P
Well since no discussion is going on. I will try to stir one up.
VOTE: foshy
You did not Really vote (for me once of course following the usual bandwagon) you do not really take part in discussion and for that reason for now I would rather see you evicted.
Let's see how long it takes you to answer to that.
I know you and your mates are looking
I didn't see SalvaPots post before I posted there but it doesn't really give a defense. Of course if they are town, they can't really say much about this but I'm keeping with my vote for now.
What happens in the event of a tie in voting? I don't see it in the rules.
It really bothers me that people say I hammered the hippiehobo vote when: a)We had no info to go through and b) I was the first to follow hippie and tried to save him to evict someone else.
Either way, its close, but yeah, nin should just vote hippiehobo for his own protection.
The problem is, though, that you did hammer down the vote on HippieHobo. You may have changed your position when he revealed his doublevote because you supposedly believed that HippieHobo wasn't HHA, but in the end you stopped the thing that would have saved him: a tie. And, basically, this whole thing happened in the span of a few minutes - you didn't backtrack on what you had said in his support and there wasn't a series of posts to lead you to that conclusion. Literally, nothing had changed.
So, let's say for a second, regardless of how convinced you were about HippieHobo's innocence, you wanted to avoid a tie because that's worse than evicting a townie by mistake. That's understandable.
But, there was something you did before which I think tipped your hand a bit. You tried to get nin1000 to vote for HippieHobo in the last minutes...
If you were just afraid of a tie, why didn't you just change your own vote sooner? I mean, realistically, wouldn't jumping onto the HippieHobo vote have been the best idea - you take one vote away from nin1000, who was the competitor with the highest vote count, and give one to HippieHobo?
I think it's because you wanted to keep your vote on nin1000 to draw attention away from yourself. Changing your vote suddenly would have drawn attention to how flippant you were, since you were so adamantly defending HippieHobo previously and you were trying to drum up something small against nin1000.
These notices will also be posted and updated in Post #3 of this thread, for easy finding.
Day 2 Ends
Voting totals
(12 votes were needed for majority decision):
Names with astrikevoted, and then unvoted.
LaunchPadMcQ (0)
freakzilla149 (1)
HippieHobo (7)
Haly (2)
HippieHobo (doubled)
tomakasatnav (0)
HippieHobo (doubled)
nin1000 (4)
HippieHobo (doubled)
Night 2 Officially Begins
Time Left Until Night 2 Ends
If I was HHA, wouldn´t it be on my best interest to get a tie or to get a townie?
Come on now, lets not act like we knew hippiehobo was townie for sure, everyone who kept his vote for him did so and stay like that, now are you calling me out because I tried to make something different than the rest. First I am accused of bandwagon other votes and now because I am erratic. I did not change my vote sooner because there where at least 4 people left to vote, and the time limit is definitive. If the voters that saved their votes decided to do so at the very last second then we would effectively give the hammer to the HHA. I voted the way I did to give options to the town and to see who teams up with who. Of course I changed my vote back to hippiehobo at the end, 5 minutes before it ended, because at the moment a tie was worst than a wrong evict and you know it. Everyone knew it and agreed on it and when I voted for someone else we did get more information and even more people got to vote.
Check back and my vote was a clear 6-5 of Hippie vs nin, one more vote and it would have been a tie, and that is why I changed it back to hippie in the last second for a 7-4 result. If I was HHA, wouldn´t it be on my best interest to get a tie or to get a townie? Specially after everyone made a point that we needed to evict someone.
So please stop saying I hammered hippiehobo eviction, if anything, I almost got him saved, but I was not going to risk a tie to do so.
Iso why didn't you just change your vote instead of asking nin1000 to cast a vote? It would have been consistent with your character thus far in the game.
Even if you claim that you were waiting for more people to cast a vote, what would have changed? As time ran out, you increased the risk that players would swoop in at the last minute to tie up the vote, so the threat of that was there even more. That was true when you egged nin1000 on and it was true when you finally recast your vote.
The difference with this particular vote is that you were stuck between two options - a townie and a townie with a special role. Either one is a victory, but HippieHobo was obviously the more desirable target to hit. So, in order to remain inconspicuous, you urged nin1000 to defend himself and keep himself from being voted, which is bizarre when you're saying that you've been throwing your votes around haphazardly.
I don't understand the second part of your post. Why would a tie be a good thing for HHA if they're caught between a choice of two townies, one that they know has a special role which could be used against them?
You seem to ignore the fact that when I egged nin was to call him out because he was NOT defending himself, which I found weird. He was getting close to getting evicted (At the moment 2 more votes would get him out) and he did nothing to defend himself other than complain. That is, he choose not to vote. In a way it worked, since that raised suspicion of him because it seemed he was unwilling to wrongly evict someone else.
You couldn't have seen his post where he said he didn't want to defend himself because you posted at the same time as him, and you didn't want him to when you got the vote scores mixed up and you thought it would lead to a tie.
You also keep focusing on the wrong part of my argument. I'm not criticizing your choice to pursue nin1000 or to change your vote to HippieHobo. These are things that have been consistent with your behavior in the game thus far, you said so yourself. But again, why didn't you just shift your vote over instead of egging nin1000 on? There were less than 10 minutes left at that point before voting was closed. It was close enough that you wouldn't want to risk anything happening that would force a tie. However, you chose a roundabout method to a simple problem. It's strange that for a person who hasn't cared about calling attention to himself, you would try to do something that draws attention away from you.
Here's what likely transpired:
- You push HippieHobo into using his special ability. You didn't expect it, but it was a pretty interesting outcome, so you roll with it.
- You back off of HippieHobo to gauge the reaction to his reveal so as not to push too hard against what is very likely a town role.
- HippieHobo vote starts picking up steam, which is fine by you as an HHA. To improve your camouflage, you decide to go after a player whose vote has some traction already, nin1000.
- nin1000's vote gains too much traction and this may in fact cause a tie. You don't care if nin1000 or HippieHobo are evicted, as they are both town, but one of them has to go to be an effective day phase for HHA.
- Seeing the vote being so close and the fact that nin1000 has since backed off of HippieHobo even though his own vote is pretty close to passing, you prod him into defending himself whereas you could have changed your own vote and had an even better tally of votes (a 2 point difference instead of a 1 point difference). However, before that when you had miscalculated the tally, you expressed your concern to him voting since you thought it would instead lead to a tie.
- You see nin1000 is not voting, but as the time is counting down, you need to act in order to seal one of these two villagers as an eviction, so you finally change your vote.
But your argument relies on me wanting to evict someone no matter what, right? If that is the case... then I really had no need to try and get nin evicted in the first place, I could have just followed my initial vote to get hippie and not bring attention to myself.
I want everyone who is left to vote too, so lets make this more exciting:
Vote: nin1000
Also, you say I don´t want to bring attention to myself. This argument is wrong, since the whole game I have been vocal and loud, me and haly have been the most active users by far from day 1 when it comes to try to get a discussion going, as proven by haly voting for me and me been her to defend myself.
I did not want a tie because that would benefit HHA the most. How? No information is better for them. The choice to evict someone was clear and I would have rather be nin than hippie, but once time run out I just did what had to be done.
So again, your logic there is wrong. You said it yourself, is a roundabout solution to a problem that really did not need to be solved IF I was HHA. What does that say? That if I was HHA I would have not acted that way, I would have just shut up and wait to see how things play out. I did not, I voiced my opinion and tried to get nin evicted instead, since that seemed like a better option to me at the moment.
Long post short, the history you propose just doesn´t make sense.
You jumped on nin1000 because he wasn't a foreseeable threat to what was going on with HippieHobo. When his vote gained steam and things were looking like they could end in a tie, that's when you started making plays to push things in a different direction.
Heck, you didn't even have anything substantive against nin1000:
The HippieHobo situation was playing itself out so it was a satisfactory outcome without you having to intervene, so might as well pursue something else especially if nothing will come of it.
That's exactly why the action of trying to get nin1000 and others to vote stands out so much. It was a clear attempt at not putting yourself out in the HippieHobo vote but avoiding a tie all the same. Ironically, for a person who jumps from vote to vote haphazardly, this is the kind of thing that stands out.
No, evicting a townie benefits you most. You may not get any information from a tie, but who cares - you know who the townies are, it's everyone that's not in your group. You also know that HippieHobo has a special role, and if he's not on your team, he's as good a target as any.
Again, your actions in this scenario are inconsistent with what you've done outside of it. Before the last few minutes of Day 2, you would jump on votes with little thought or explanation at times, or even with some legitimate reasoning behind it; all of a sudden you're talking about how you don't want a tie to happen, but you're doing nothing about it. Instead, you're trying to get other people to do something about it. It's more than a little strange.
I'm actually not entirely convinced you were trying to construct a cover by going after nin1000 after pulling back on HippieHobo, but it was something to distance yourself from HippieHobo. There was no real need to do it, no, and this could have gone either way. I would be equally suspicious if you had kept pursuing HippieHobo or if you had chosen someone else entirely.
You seem to be overlooking that the information of his role is pretty useless if he's no longer in the game.
Those scenarios you mentioned are constructed around what your actions have actually been. There are plenty of more scenarios, but none of them are what actually occurred. You voted for nin1000, you were no longer a part of the HippieHobo witch hunt, and to further distance yourself from that, you chose to egg on other players to vote and avoid this tie when, again, simply changing your vote would have been an even more effective countermeasure. Again, it's not necessary that HippieHobo had been evicted, but he was the closest to being evicted and you needed to break the tie. You broke character and tried to do it in a way you wouldn't have otherwise, for some reason. It's even more odd, now that I think about it, that you wouldn't just switch your vote outright after bandwagoning onto the nin1000 vote with no real reason. You didn't have anything tying you down to that vote, no real beliefs against nin1000 or anything. Still, you resisted switching your vote.
However, again, a tie is the worst possible outcome for the HHA side and not so much so for the town side. HHA implicitly has way more information than the townies have, so information-gathering during the day phase is not an absolute necessity. Townies, on the other hand, stand to lose powerful roles, which is exactly what ended up happening. Even if that phase ended in a tie, the outcome for the town side is that we have the Mayor still in play and nin1000 who is very likely an ordinary villager survives. That was, in fact, the best scenario for the town; hindsight is 20-20 and all that, I'm not blaming anyone.
As for how sure I am you're HHA... at the moment, probably more sure about you than anyone else. The truth is that the HHA have proven increasingly difficult to find. We don't have a single goddamn clue. The best we can do is find bones to pick in people's behaviors right now, and I think this one is sizable enough to pursue. You've also consistently been high on my list since the game started.
Honestly, I think anyone else would be too afraid to come forward in the middle of this, so they don't come out as sympathetic to either of us - thus leading to conclusions about them. However, I welcome discussion from others.
I'm just a normal, run of the mill villager.
You wouldn't evict one of your own, would you?
Would wait for the prod to go through before voting lunatic.
I'm flipflopping between Salva and Toma atm.
And HippieHobo is going to kick your butt once you get there!
I'm legitimately sorry if my accusations prove wrong, even if it doesn't go anywhere (Haly and I are the only ones who have voted after all xP). You've been leading conversations and investigations which has been very helpful in keeping the game going, it's true, but I've currently got nothing else to defer to on anyone else.
Now, that said, if we can find some other suitable candidate within the next few days, I would be willing to change my perspective. But man, whoever these HHA are, they are so damn crafty. You really have to nitpick to find anything worth pursuing.
As for HippieHobo, I would say yeah, we're all responsible for that. But, so far, I've been operating by being more content with having an outline than actually painting the full picture. I knew HippieHobo's role ability, and it's threat could be mitigated because of that. I didn't feel like we needed to know more specifics beyond that, even if there was the potential for him being HHA.
Wouldn´t this risk a tie if, say, both of them are the only survivor.
OhThat was Mazre I think. It was the "confirmation" of francorp which some people threw doubt on anyway, francorp included.
If I'm not mistaken, HHA would win if there was one HHA left and one town. Since the vote would be even and hha can kill at night.
Bars are ppl that are invited to the gossip chat. This list of ordinary villagers and power role claims is based off on LMQ's post. So if someone is mislabeled, let me know and I'll change it. Looking at the map, the first column looks suspicious lol.Also, we really REALLY need a comprehensive list of who claimed what and how that looks on the grind,
VOTE: Ourobolus