Well the problem is that statistically it's likely to have two townies though, right?
Ignoring special roles, the possible combinations are:
- 2 Townies
- 1 Townie, 1 HHA
- 1 HHA, 1 Townie (reverse of the above)
- 2 HHA (unlikely, but possible)
Compare this with any eviction of a single home:
- 1 Townie
- 1 HHA
For a single action, we get two shots at taking out at least one HHA, compared to the one action for one shot if we evict a single story house.
On a meta-level, however, I don't think Karkador would've created this double house mechanic if he didn't also build in some protections into it so it doesn't get taken by either side on the very first cycle. I'm guessing either one of the housemates has a protection/immunity role, or one of the housemates is a mafia and it behooves them to draw attention away from themselves (because of the precariousness of their position), as Ultron has already done.
(Side note: The whole double housing mechanic could be a red herring by Karkador but I'm ruling this out as 2meta4me.)
More broadly, let's say there are 6 HHAs, and 17 Townies, a ratio of 1:4. The probability of one HHA being in the two-story is:
(6/23 * 17/22) + (17/23 * 6/22) = 102/253
Chances of two HHA being in the two-story:
(6/23 * 5/22) = 15/253
Altogether: 117/253 or 46%.
Contrast this with the probabilities in evicting a single house: 6/23 or 26%.
I'm not 100% confident in my math because probability is not my strong suit, but even if I fudged the numbers a bit it should be clear what a drastically superior move evicting that house is.
That being said... if someone has an investigative role, I highly suggest you target that house just to get it over with because otherwise we'll be second guessing it the entire time. Similarly, anyone who can provide immunity should also target that house so we can make sure we're not losing a specialist there either. Now that these numbers are in the open, you can be sure the HHA will be making use of them as well.
In other news, who wants some peach cobbler? I made plenty for everyone.