I don't think so, "no evict" would count as a "person" being voted for, and would likely count as the second eviction.
King himself also didn't fully trust Fran. But now he does? It's probably because he is HHA and knows fran wont live to tell his investigations.
I mean, what if No Evict is the primary vote? Does second place still get booted?
I'm honestly amazed that we haven't evicted Nin at this point. I suggest we all just change our votes to Nin now for messing with us, haha
What the fuck guys
Vote: Kingkitty
Trusting Franconp tipped the scales.
Vote: Kingkitty
Trusting Franconp tipped the scales.
VOTE: KingkittyNin, vote Kingkitty
I'm off to Taco Valley. Bye y'all!
Vote: No Evict
May the spirits of our fathers carry you to the land of sour cream and salsa, you glorious royal feline.
Possible HHA for next day?
Haly - Look at him next day phase. Especially if King is clean. Claimed commuter, we are just assuming there is a commuter because there are doubles of other roles. It is very possible Haly carried out N1 kill and activity on couldve been Fran I think, I believe Fran said he investigated someone in that area, but that may have been n4.
Nin - that flip floppin -_-
Roomies - Gotta be one