Karkador only has phone access, so I guess the results will have to wait until tomorrow.
no rush, it can wait
Karkador only has phone access, so I guess the results will have to wait until tomorrow.
Karkador only has phone access, so I guess the results will have to wait until tomorrow.
.The final bell tolled at the end of the 11th day. The ruins of the mayor's house had been smoldering quietly for days, having just burned through to the secret popcorn cellar. First there was a flash, then a resounding crackle that refused to end. The remaining villagers contemplated their folly quietly as they were consumed in a wave of expanding kernels, the whole village went white. -Fin
I like how the players that posted the least made it this far.
If you wanna get to the endgame, post as little as you can.
Note taken.![]()
Ok Blarg you're not a dick you're cool
I'd like to thank Blargonaut for this town loss. For inspiring me to Think Outside the Box.
Karkador only has phone access, so I guess the results will have to wait until tomorrow.
I like how the players that posted the least made it this far.
If you wanna get to the endgame, post as little as you can.
Note taken.![]()
Where is Salvapot! Me and Salva are bff
You're all dicks
All of you
Well people like Hippiehobo already spoiled the results, so my earlier edit was pointless.
Hahahahahaha that's gold.Tom. I just need to know, is the name of the train you're always on Snowpiercer?
what's that from?
You're so hot no gates could ever hold you back
We still know you're there.
"Unbelievable! You, Subject Name Here, must be the pride of Subject Hometown Here."
The streets were lined with dead bodies and dead buses, just as planned.
We had to sacrifice one to please Mother.
Suddenly, Darryl snapped.
"FUCK! Why couldn't you have just weeded the damn garden! It would have been so easy. You just don't understand how much pressure it is, keeping up a good neighbourhood. There's lawns that need mowing and furniture that needs placing and villagers need placating and you have to make sure the post is in on time, and everybody always leaves their mailbox full why oh why do they do that, and even when they don't we can't get the postman in on time because people haven't made sure that the roads are in good condition, and really house prices these days just make it unfair for all of the rest of us to put up with your complete and total lack of respect for your surroundings and if I was mayor, then I tell you what, this town would be properly sorted so that we wouldn't have had to form a secret association to evict you in the first place so when you consider it that way, and you really should, because we're not the villains, so when you consider it that way, we were doing it for your own good, so we'd have a beautiful neighbourhood that worked for the common good where everything was perfect and everything was happy and you know what, all I ever wanted was a happy home association-"
The pressure, steadily building, became too much, and he simply burst, a shower of otter gently raining down upon the stunned villagers. tomakasatnav and RobotNinjaHornets felt free, free to litter and grow inappropriate hedges in their garden, for the first time in many weeks. The Happy Home Association had met their end.
You are Lyle, the Corporate Lackey.
The suits sent you to Nook's turf to lend a hand towards the 'family business' - unfortunately, you know who they are, but they don't know you!
You are aligned with the Happy Home Academy (psst, that's the Mafia). Your partners are REDACTED. They do not know your identity, only that a fourth HHA player exists.
You do not start with a factional night kill, nor the ability to communicate with your partners at night. If a HHA player visits you during the Night Phase, you will instead be regrouped with them and gain those abilities.
You win when HHA-aligned players outnumber non-HHA-aligned players.
You are the Light Sleeper!
You are aligned with the Town.
After a long day of shouting people out of your Village, all you want to do is find a nice, peaceful sleep at night - but try as you might, even the noises outside keep you awake. You wonder if the muffled screams are just your imagination...
Each Night Phase, you will be notified if anyone in your area (the 8 spaces surrounding you; up/left/down/right plus diagonals) was active that night. (Moderator's note: This was then clarified to mean actions done by, or to, the surrounding players)
This information will not specify any names, roles, or specific actions (example, “There was no activity in your area tonight”. This will include passive abilities that are not activated by a command.
You win when only Town-aligned players remain.
You are an Ordinary Villager!
You are aligned with the Town.
You have no abilities other than voting. Your vote is your power!
You win when only Town-aligned players remain.
How the fuck is it on me?
You LIED. You got Retro evicted FOR NO REASON. When we were saying "Fine, let's kill Retro to prove Darryl's lying", WHY DID YOU NOT COME OUT AND SAY NOT TO BOTHER BECAUSE YOU WERE?