Just vote Darryl
No. You need to hold on. This has to be discussed.
Eh, I mean it doesn't overly matter unless you pull the bizarre move of voting for yourself
I need you to be open-minded going into this. I have to explain the crazy. Lol
2. The Falling Out
We actually used our gossip chat pretty well. Me, Razmos, and Timeaisis all revealed our roles early in the gossip chat and we all agreed to block Hobohodo from ever entering so we wouldn't increase the odds of an HHA entering. We had a mini-mob full of low-priority people (plus me with my safety role). This was great for awhile. Until a few turns ago when Razmos decided to help in the eviction of Timeaisis. I didn't understand why Razmos opted to evict Timeaisis. It was really scummy and didn't make sense. Virtually everyone on the map was more suspicious than him (I had paid close attention). I felt like it was an attempt to clear up our side of the map & destroy our group. At that point, I told Razmos that I turned my Bully target to him (lie, it was always on toma). If he genuinely wasn't HHA then we'd have to come up with something to implicate people on the other side of the map and listen to me FOR ONCE. We came up with a role claim, and it had to be me because I was the only one who could. That entire Nosy Neighbor fake roleclaim we came up with in that night phase. It was just a variation on a detective role, but one that didn't raise all the questions of me having to go turn by turn and explain the reasoning behind who I chose (we were making it up).
If you just made the role up night phase before last, where did this map come from:
The only time it would be in the thread was in the OP during night 5
Why a fake roleclaim at all? Especially one where it feels like (and turned out that way, though I wish Retro had been less eager to take himself out of the game) it was pushing for others to get killed, rather than prove your own innocence.
There's so much I'm concerned with about this.. Why a claim came so late, especially when we had 4v1 and no kill in the upcoming night and it still didn't come out, then it came out as a lie and the 'real' roleclaim comes out once Razmos who keep have confirmed the 'plan' is gone..
It was concocted as a way to finally point some blame at you, you suspicious fuck.
Then I've had nagging feelings over RNH. Why did he fall under both mine and Kalor's areas, why did Fran identify him as a villager..
This one was bothering me on the drive over and I just had to comment on it. Tomas should have you cleared by now with his roleclaim, RNH. Yet he kept a gun to your head. You have always been a suspicious target. The odd voting patterns, the Franconp defense. I noticed it, but I never said anything because it was impossible with Tomas over here clearing you. That's why I went for him. He had to be lying either to clear another HHA or to get rapport. This is why he sat on the fence so long this turn. He was waiting to see if I'd gun for you instead. Obviously he can't, now, because I made it clear that he's my #1 and my roleclaim now shows that a victory is impossible for him even if he can pull through with a RNH eviction.
As for the Razmos eviction last night, the Razmos target spells itself out from Tomas's perspective:
RNH - protected by my roleclaim, suspicious behavior.
Darryl - Suicide pact'd
Razmos - Nothing. Another person with a roleclaim that leans townie.
I didn't roleclaim to protect my innocence because I'm not some desperate fucking HHA looking for a way out. It was concocted as a way to finally point some blame at you, you suspicious fuck. It had to be done because no matter how much I tried it was obviously pointless. There were too many people evicting based on outrage and groupthink (I mean NIN!? He was HHA mastermind??).
And I was never going to publicly claim until it was too late to be used. The Bully role was far too useful, especially before Squidy got evicted (if he never got evicted, I would have won a tied match).
3. The Accident
The problem was that when we made it up (since we had to be convincing, mainly to RNH because the other two didn't seem to give a shit), we did not take into account that Nin had been evicted and how it would conflict with my fake roleclaim. We didn't realize when we were making up the ability was that the maps on the front page hadn't been updated and it's not exactly a chat room environment so we had very little back and forth with this. We were working off the maps created before Nin's eviction (look at the maps I posted to chat). We created this AFTER Nin's eviction.
If this was actually my real role claim than I would have obviously realized this mistake and just never made it. I didn't, because I was already far in over my head as it was.
When I was questioned about Nin, I totally panicked. We hadn't scripted that.
That's where this post came from:
& Here is Razmos realizing what the fuck has happened immediately after my mistake:
He tried to close discussion off immediately. I decided just to throw myself in front of the bus hardcore, and let Razmos handle it from there. We kept distance with this roleclaim on purpose, because if he appeared to believe me regardless we would've had a hard time convincing others. We even staged Razmos introducing my role so that I didn't have to explain it that much.
Now, it should become obvious why on the other day I pushed immediately for the eviction of Tomas, instead of Retrogamer (who, according to the fake roleclaim, was "100% HHA".) He was our main target. Retrogamer was like, well maybe he's HHA too. Just in case. He hasn't acted NOT HHA. So to cover our asses we made Retro a target too, but he accidentally became threat level midnight #1 because of a slip up.
Now, knowing these facts, I think it's very interesting that you've claimed a role that wants to be night evicted, Darryl, as if you are the remaining HHA, it means your previous posting can remain consistent. I also find it interesting how hard you were going in on Ultron/franconp at the beginning of the game. From a village perspective, it makes sense, the chances of one of them being HHA were really high. However, if you had known one of them was HHA...well. That would paint a huge target on your back if it gained traction, which you would want. It would mean you'd be trusted by town, which you would also want. It would ALSO mean you'd get to get rid of another villager, which again you would want.
But then you stopped going after them. Hell you didn't even vote for them when they were going down, you were to busy arguing with squidy about whether the Ouro vote had tried to be rigged. Shouldn't you have been all over that?
I don't get what you're saying here. Firstly, how has he kept a gun to my head?
You were suspicious because Franconp defended you and called you a Townie as he was going down, just like Toma mentioned above. Also, there was some weird stuff that happened that Ezekel called out a long time ago. I don't think it is important enough to dig up.Secondly, odd voting patterns and franconp defense? What do you mean by that?
The Razmos eviction also spells itself out from your perspective - if this is all as made up as I think it is, you couldn't have done it without him calling you out on it. You couldn't have killed Tom, since you would have lost your primary target, I would still be gunning for you and Tom's role reveal would completely clear me. You couldn't have gone for me as that would prove Tom wasn't lying, and even assuming you and Razmos did come up with the previous days insane dumb plan together, I can't imagine convincing him to go after Tom after it has been proved he wasn't lying would have been easy. With Razmos, you can stick with gunning for Tom, whilst trying to convince me, with the ability to make stuff up without anyone calling you out on it.
So you tried to paint Tom as an HHA based on this image.
I didn't bother because it was inevitable.
Look at that. It was a slaughter, landslide eviction. I was busy talking. I wasn't trying to prevent their eviction.
Had I started this turn going after you, he could've just said that there was night activity. Proof. He is the one keeping you innocent, so he kept a gun to your head. And just like he mentioned, he was suspicious of you. He did that even though he's been clearing you of being HHA. Knowing that I'm town, he offered me an olive branch to chase you instead. It's all the same to him.
You were suspicious because Franconp defended you and called you a Townie as he was going down, just like Toma mentioned above. Also, there was some weird stuff that happened that Ezekel called out a long time ago. I don't think it is important enough to dig up.
The role is total BS. It's not even hard to find major conflicts with that "Nosy Neighbor" role. Look up at the top where Haly is. Kalor got evicted before him. I remember that I immediately went HARD on Haly. Look that up. So, this would've obviously been a "he's 100% HHA moment". Then I think I gave up on that and switched to Ourobolus because he was a good enough settlement. Then I think Haly got evicted that night. I mean imagine trying to explain THAT.
To my HHA companions: "Hey we need to evict Haly. He's on our case"
To my gossip companions: "This Haly HAS to be HHA! He triggered my role!"
It's just stupid. It never happened. Razmos and Timeaisis would literally have to be blind to miss that one.
Has he reported each day the results of his ability, like Toma did in the in-game chat? If so, can you provide it? Darryl's chart is... unhelpful.
No, he didn't. He mentioned once that he got a red flag from someone in the bottom left of the map or something, but that's about it.
No, me and Razmos had to switch the inevitable pace of the game, which was that on the turn that I called role, the game was going to play out like this:
1. East Side Day Evict (Me / Razmos)
2. West Side Night Evict (RNH / Retro)
3. East Side Day Evict (Remaining)
4. HHA Win
It makes sense when you realize that we didn't collaboratively draw the images. I made them after the day phase started. We just talked about it and it wasn't rapid communication. I forgot a lot of stuff, like that Ezekel died after Ourobolus. We just didn't talk about Nin. I forgot about him. I work night shift and GAF was down the entire night. I basically completely forgot that eviction existed.
It wasn't inevitable at the start though, the last vote only came in an hour before the day ended
Garbage, if he'd said there was activity, I'd ask him why that's changed over the last few nights. After franconp got evicted, there has been only 1 HHA. Only 1 HHA who could send in a kill order. Why would I suddenly trigger Tom's activity monitor now, when I must've been sending in kill orders for the last few nights?
Whether Tom's been telling the truth or not, I am clear. Either he's telling the truth, in which case I can't be HHA, or he's lying, in which case I can't be HHA because there's one left and it would clearly be him.
And this response makes sense to you? That they were just fine with getting one result and never pressed me? Why? I thought I got bussed at the time, but in retrospect it's just Razmos trying to stay distanced until he knew what I was doing.Well I mean
I can understand forgetting that Ezekel was evicted after Ouro. That's fine.
But nin was literally the last person to be day evicted at this point. If you'd left them unmarked that would've made sense. If you really wanted Tom gone, give him a tick. Either of those and I'd accept this explanation.
Giving him a cross, on the other hand, makes zero sense in your narrative.
I'm gunning for Tomas here.The post I linked to above also lists my suspicions at that time, which were Retro followed by Tomas right next to each other at the top, just below the roomies. At that point I had a strong idea that it was one of them, and it's why I haven't stopped bothering them (mainly Tomas) since. This post was a month ago, before any HHA have gotten caught. So I'm obviously not some HHA responding to market conditions as it goes. I'm a villager on a hunt, as I have been the entire game.
OH FUCK. NIN. I FORGOT ABOUT HIMWhat's the 'area' when you say someone around them is HHA?
What were the reports you got for players around Nin for instance?
Now I'm dodging the topic of Nin. Let's pretend he doesn't exist.I got flags for Eze and Ouro for example. But not Cuppa. I can't quote the message.
Well, there went that.Interesting
Full report of what info you got every night pls?
This is when I made the graph, obviously having to talk about way that'd take too long. i made this graph
Tom, if you're around, I could really do with your input
Very intermittently. I'm on a train with non existent to terrible phone signal, with the occasional free wifi when we stop at a station.
Darryl swearing at me has really sapped my enthusiasm for this, but input on anything in particular?
Very intermittently. I'm on a train with non existent to terrible phone signal, with the occasional free wifi when we stop at a station.
Darryl swearing at me has really sapped my enthusiasm for this, but input on anything in particular?
I swear, if you're HHA and Darryl buggered this up with his insanity last day phase...I will be annoyed to say the least
No, I wanted Retro and Tomas gone. I wanted Tomas first. I just fucked it up and before I knew what I was doing, Retro had drilled too far into the roleclaim and forced me to make stuff up and it ended up not being the things that I wanted to say.
We've been playing this game for 2+ months and your defense to opt out of the final countdown discussion is that I swore at you.
I'll keep going through the (long!) posts on my phone, but:
This is probably the bit that annoys me the most, and not because it's targeted at me but because it's a really aggressive move from a town member whose supposed power role gives no insight to the role of others. We were 4 vs 1 at this point and all it was designed to do was undermine two Town members in Retro and myself.
If Darryl somehow ends up being Town, I have no regrets with my vote because of that.
I had to do it because you don't talk ever and the town members eloquent enough to point it out and chase an eviction were all gone. Yes, I'm aggressive. It's the last day and you're running away with the game with the worst appeal to emotion defense ever and somehow it is being bought.
What? No.
I trust Tom more because he didn't fucking throw a guaranteed villager under the bus. If you'd come out yesterday and said that you were lying and you fucked up, I would've been annoyed that you sent us on this ludicrous goose chase, but at least you stopped us before we evicted someone unnecessarily. At least then I might be able to buy it being an attempt at a pro-town move. At least THEN you would've had Razmos backing you up. But no, you pushed on with it, and if it cost us the game it's on you.
I didn't throw a guaranteed villager under the bus. I thought Retro was HHA. I just thought Tomas was MORE LIKELY HHA. I gambled on it. And I was wrong. And here I am, gambling again that you'll see it too.
Except if you thought Retro was HHA, why in gods name would all of Tom's reports since franconp's eviction show no activity?
Moreover, why did you think Retro was HHA? What has he done that could be seen as HHA? Why did you believe Razmos over Retro?
Come on RNH. Just seconds left if any. Don't fuck this up.
Don't point the blame at me. This is on you now.
I did the only thing I could dream up to shake the inevitable.
How the fuck is it on me?
You LIED. You got Retro evicted FOR NO REASON. When we were saying "Fine, let's kill Retro to prove Darryl's lying", WHY DID YOU NOT COME OUT AND SAY NOT TO BOTHER BECAUSE YOU WERE?
Jesus man, if you are legitimately town...godfuckingdamnit.