It is even better as an adult. I was a teenager when it premiered and loved it, but watching it again over the last few years I am getting so many more jokes.I remember enjoying this show as a kid
Who's on stage?
I remember hatin this show, I stil hate it. Non funny stuff all over the place
I loved the Good Idea, Bad Idea segments. And Pinky and the Brain.
This was great because I remember crying when I saw Bambi
Bumbie's mom
I loved the Good Idea, Bad Idea segments. And Pinky and the Brain.
This was great because I remember crying when I saw Bambi
Bumbie's mom
Release this shit on Region 2 DVD.... Fucking cunts.
I hated the Katie Kaboom bits, as well.
They never did a Tiny toons/Animaniacs cross-over did they?
Some of the Tiny Toons characters cameo-ed in a few Animaniacs episodes, but that's it. There was never a full fledged cross over.
on a thread about Animaniacs' 20th anniversary.I remember hatin this show, I stil hate it. Non funny stuff all over the place
I submit Yakko's Nations of the World. Now outdated but it blew my mind as a kid.
I imagine it's because those kinds of cartoons cost a lot more money to make than the stuff they dump on Cartoon Network these days.
Spielberg should get back into TV again. Just about everything he touched turned to gold in the 90's.
He is with Halo!
The episode where the Warners outsmart Elmyra is gold. She never did get any sort of comeuppance in Tiny Toons.
But she got her revenge, by ruining a fantastic spin-off...
Somebody (Spielberg?) was way too obsessed with Elmyra. In addition to appearing in Tiny Toons, Animaniacs, and PE&TB, there was an episode at the end of the second season of Tiny Toons, "Take Elmyra, Please", that was clearly a pilot that had been thrown together with the idea of Elmyra getting her own show, that was repurposed. (It even had the "slap the main characters on to do a brief intro" bit at the beginning, the Buster and Babs footage recycled from another episode, while the meat of the episode was animated by TMS.) They fleshed out a family for her and everything.
Strange thing was, when it came time to do PE&TB, they apparently pitched all that out the window, I remember her family being very different.
"Is this you? Are you happily engrossed in inconsequential cartoon trivia to the point that your socks can probably stand up by themselves?"
"Well, if you are, there's hope, there's help, there's the... Please, Please, PLEASE Get a Life Foundation!"