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Anorexics need a hug!

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Junior Member
I know I'm treading a fine line but I think the last topic shouldn't have been closed. Yeah, the first post was inflammatory and a few, even me, tossed a few insults. But it was a great discussion and some even conceded points they orginally made. We complain that the board is going down cuz we get the same ole threads. Now a new one comes along with heated debate and gets closed? Can we get a warning or something. I'll go ahead and apologize for starting a new thread and for insulting people in the last thread. But can we open up the last thread? I'm on a mission to spread love to anorexics around the world. Here's a few messages that needed to be responded to:

from SSX
I think for alot of people it's hard to understand why anyone would feel sorry for someone that's almost intentionally harming their body. It's the same with drug addicts and people that feel sympathy for them. You know the consquences for what you're doing but you do it anyway

It's just in the packaging and PR for certain diseases. We don't jump down peoples throat when they go to McDonald's 3 times a week but let a smoker light one up around a bunch of non smokers. WWIII. Yet, heart disease and atherosclerosis is the #1 killer in this country. Why would people knowingly eat garbage when it will, eventually kill them? Why would people knowingly smoke when it will, eventually kill them?

But but but, the second hand smoke? Do you get upset when your mom stuffs your plate during Thanksgiving will turkey, beef, mashed potatoes, gravy and complain that she'll kill you from second hand fat? No. So what does that have to do with depression, drugs and suicide?

Well, it doesn't fuckin matter how you got there but now your there. To be depressed and to consider hurting yourself is a disease. Doctors don't fully understand how people get to the point of suicide and they're paid to. Drugs may kill you but fat will before anything. However, it's just perspective. People think it's crazy people doing crazy shit. What about the people who did drugs in high school. I bet you I won't be the first person you have heard call them crazy. Nor will I be the last. 'Crazyness' justs needs a new PR guy.

Skinnyrattler, maybe the reason why some have a hard time grasping the seriousness of anorexia contrary to other disorders is because it's "unnatural"?
Manufactured may not mean that it was created. Just that it's a disorder that stemmed from unnatural (manufactured) sources, namely marketing and a certain image promotion. Traumatic stress disorder, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia...these are all relatively natural, in that they occur without any control from the victim's part. Maybe the reason why anorexics are scolded in this thread by Stallion and me is because we believe that to at least a fairly certain degree, it is ultimately them who hold the power to end their ordeal. And not being able to get through to them leads me to believe that at some point, they had to choose to shut the door to common sense and go along some weird mental, instinctual path to anorexia. It's that choice that bothers me the most. A choice that they had, contrary to other disorders, etc...

And I welcome anyone who knows more about the subject than I do to prove me wrong. I'd actually appreciate it more than someone just coming in and throwing pointless tantrums and insults directed at me without clarifying their point of view.

You're looking at this the wrong way. In our bodies, everybody is different. Everybody has different DNA. DNA is meant to fuck up from time to time to give us different genes. What some call mutations, others will call a life saver. Why are most sickle cell patients Black? Cuz they are less likely to catch Malaria, which is an epidemic in Africa. A mutation, though terrible, can have some upside.

I'm trying to get at the fact that anorexia can be 'controlled'. Yeah it can, that's why people have been successfully treated. But people are different and that includes how their mind works. And it also includes what they are susceptible to. You might be thinking that these thoughts they have are the type where they can stop thinking them. I'm saying that this and depression and other mental diseases are things that anybody can get and when they do, it takes over their mind like a heart attack takes over your heart. We think of free will and enjoy our ability to think of any thought and acting on it or ignoring it. And that can extend to depression and anorexia. But free will and thought doesn't exclude the ability of these conditions to take over your mind. Nor does it discredit people's ability to be more susceptible to them.

I just wanted to talk more about this. If you really want, you can close this thread. Just open up the last one and warn people. It was a great thread. Thank you for your support.
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