I'm an ex Muslim so all your precinceived notions are wrong. I know the religion and its people much better than you.This is just silly and yet so many ignorant people like you believe it.
How do you explain the existence of normal Muslims?regular people?
Have you actually talked to any? Do you know any?
The reason you excuse Christianity is because you know normal people. People who will say the bible is literary true, and will say you are going to hell, and say gays are the devil... and yet, they act mostly like normal nice people most of the time.
Guess what, that's most Muslims too. You are simply ignorant.
I know they are mostly normal people, I've said so many times. Islam is not just a personal religion like Christianity. It's a political ideology as well as a belief system. Muhammad used it to raid caravans, marry 12 women, and to conquer Mecca. The "normal" Muslims can keep it separate by denying parts of the Quran. Most do not even read it anyway. But the ideology is very dangerous today, It's as bad as Naziism or other supremacist crap. Muslim world at large thinks of non muslims same way as US police think of black people. I know this from my experiences or you can ask any atheist in a predominantly muslim society and how they have to conceal their identity.
There is nothing anyone can say that would make me look upon Islam or any other religion favorably.