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Another dead child and almost his brother as well for no reason, this time in Australia

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Sigh. These kids were supposed to be protected, do no harm, and were not born with defects.

Estimates are hundreds of boys a year, and these are some of the non-exhaustive history of it and mostly in the first world where medicine is better, let alone somewhere like South Africa responsible for thousands

Just ban the damn thing under the age of majority until direct medical need is shown...


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We just had a baby boy and had to deal with the circumcision question. It's hard. On one hand it's literally genital mutilation and the only reason it still happens without much pushback is because it's boys. If we were doing something similar to girls it would've ended a long time ago.

On the other hand, you don't want them to grow up and think they have a weird dick to add on to the awkwardness of puberty. And it's a lot harder to get it done once you're older and conscious of what's going on.
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