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Another Gamestop adventure.


For starters, I was screwed out of KOTOR and Madden 2004 because I was told there was a 48 hr. hold on pre-ordered games and 24 hrs later my games were sold because they only hold them for 24 hrs. WTF!!!! In June I pre-order ESPN NFL 2K5 and was told their policy was a 24 hr. hold on pre-orders then they'd be sold on a first come basis. I did get my game that time. Yesterday I go to Gamestop around 8 p.m. to buy Fable because their so-called 24hr. period was over. I was then told that the pre-orders were always held for 48 hrs. The manager stated there had been 100 pre-orders for fable and that 30 people came that day to pick up their order. I told him about the above episodes and he apologized, but said he had to wait 48 hrs. before he could sell any copies to people that did not pre-order. As I started leaving the store he offered to sell me someones(yeah right) copy. I declined and said stick to your policy, I'll come back tomorrow. I told him that I guaranteed there would be at least 60 copies there when I arrived the next day. Well, today I go at 6:30 and was told by a different manager that every copy on the wall were pre-orders and he couldn't sell me one. I told him that the manager yesterday told me that today was the 48hr. cut off and I could buy one. He says well, let me see if I have any extras. He comes out and says you're lucky, I have 2 copies that I can sell to people that didn't pre-order. I ask him how many copies were on the wall for people to pick up. He says 65. I asked him how in the hell can you guys b.s. people like this. 2 days after release, they have 65 copies on the shelf not picked up and they don't want to sell any. Each time I have pre-ordered my copy was in the back with a receipt wrapped around it. If anyone here is a Gamestop employee, can you tell me if it is standard policy to stock the walls with reserved games? What is the actual policy on how long pre-orders are held before being released to be sold to the public? I have pre-ordered Halo 2 and GTA SA. I'm sorry for being long winded. I just finished a double shot of Yak' with a beer chaser.


Gamestop always had a 48hr hold policy, as far as not selling Fable to you inside that 48hr. deadline is totally crap!!!!

We do it all the time at our store, we just can't sell pre-orders to people who don't have one. If they where out of public copies, I can understand that they couldn't sell you one.

However that manager is full of crap. Your 2 24 hour games should've been held for you. We actually call you if you don't pick up your game just to see if you are comming in to get it, and if you are we hold it for you till then (assuming it is within a reasonable time frame)
citan said:
Gamestop always had a 48hr hold policy, as far as not selling Fable to you inside that 48hr. deadline is totally crap!!!!

Unless the game is totally ass. I pre-ordered SW:RS3 played the demo and decieded....umm no. They called me when it was in, a week later, then to my suprise more then a month later.


Unconfirmed Member
We don't even call people after 48 hours. We hold your shit indef. as of saturday we still had Madden special edition copies held for people who had reserved them.
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