I thought it was aggressively mediocre. It had none of the proper set-up for Kang, mostly just Pfifers whispered "he's bad" while Kang himself seemed entirely reasonable. MODOK, JFC, but at least he had an arc. Tossing three CLASSIC, but now old and tired, actors into a giant green screen bubble for an extended scene was a HUGE mistake. The fawning over the buff chick, again, the respect wasn't earned. No real sense of threat, no attempt to give us an appreciation of the stakes, and a third act video game scene climactic battle that made no sense.
The CG was at least fairly clean and appropriately colorful, I bet some parts were quite cool in IMAX, maybe even 3D. But coming off GOTG3 and watching a few of the Avengers films right before, this one is a solid C/C+ placeholder. Certainly not a great trilogy resolution for Ant-man. He is far too one note of a character to sustain films of this magnitude and the quantumverse as a concept just doesn't hold much interest for me.