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Anti-G8 unrest in Edinburgh

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Some ugly scenes on Princes Street as protestors started rioting.

I work around the corner from Princes St, and can actually see the scuffling down at the Scott Monument.

At the moment the police have surrounded around 200 protestors and missilies are being thrown. All shops on Princes St have been closed by the police, and a McDonalds has been trashed. :(

Doesn't bode well for the big march on Wednesday.


Chili Con Carnage!
*sigh* Did these groups learn nothing from Live 8? The best way to make politicians act is to trick the general public into supporting your cause by giving them free stuff. None of this violent protest nonsense ever worked.


Idiots. This is exactly how you follow up something like Live 8 in making your point heard (whose effect will likely be tenuous at best).


Edinburgh needs...



They just had to trash McDonalds, huh? Idiots.

It's always McDonalds. You can just tell how intelligent those idiots are by looking at the kind of things they trash. McDonalds trashers are the lowliest of all.
Ugh. I don't understand these people. They are probally the same people that want peace in Iraq, but yet they use violence and destroy legit business and shut down a town. way to go in pissing off the general public, and basically voiding the peaceful event(s) of Live 8.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Violent Hippies said:
"Whilst the G8 leaders will talk about ending poverty, we will show they are creating it through war and the arms trade.

"You can't end poverty unless you also end war."
Will show? Generally it's a good idea to have a point before you protest for it.
We saw some of the anarchist clown army ( :lol ) at lunchtime today, there were 3 or 4 of them getting searched by about 30 police. Later on we all the sirens went off and choppers started flying over, that must have been for the west end trouble

On saturday they cordoned off our street after the Black Flag anarchists started trashing the Human Be-In pub next to our house. The police did a pretty good job of encircling them and trapping them in a tight group so they couldn't even swing their sticks. Then they photographed them but apparently later that night they let them go :/


i support the protests... but, yeah, there are some anarchists that tend to ruin things for the rest of the crowd.

However, i'm also not ruling out incidents where police embeded themselves and caused a ruckus just so people can be arrested.


Neo Member
I work at Jenners on Princes Street and was just about to go out for lunch with someone, until we decided to have a look in the security video room and saw a hell break lose. People were fighting right outside the building and all over Princes Street, it was like something you see on the news on TV but it was right on our doorstep. They locked up the entire building for an hour, then they evacuated the customers that were still inside and then let us go half an hour later. So I only worked half a day, although I wasn't really supposed to be working at all today.

Do those anarchists have any objective, other than being assholes?
From what I could tell they were just being assholes, as a lot of them were just neds coming of the street looking for a fight.
Smash kapital! It only bought our clothes, our plane/train/automobile journey here, printed our posters, encouraged the growth of the mobile phone industry and the internet -- without which incidentally, we wouldn't be so organised today! I don't mind people who wanna get out there and fight social injustice or back any number of other causes, but some of these naive idealistic late teens / early twenties communist wannabes really get my goat. Most of the time, they won't debate or converse with you - because of course - their view is the only right view.... AND rather than try and change things by engaging appropriate people, they just latch onto the nearest well organised gathering and practice the kind of vague anti-capatalist / anti-whatever verse the organisers hand down to them. In fact they're usually anti-everything really - smash the system maaan! I respect those with any conviction - but some of them... ugh, I can't even find the words.

Protest shouldn't infringe upon those you want support off of either. Newsflash assholes: blocking roads, and being loud obnoxious hippy twats pisses people off. Especially if they're on their way to work, or it's going on outside their house!! :mad:

The police should have some kind of special sounding horn that means:
"If you don't move on to where you'll be less annoying and/or run for your life, I am going to dispense sweet justice"

Then if they don't move, sweet justice is dispensed.



Honorary Canadian.
that south park episode hit it on the head.

"No mannn! We can have like, a guy who bakes things for us, and a, a guy who protects us!"
"you mean like a baker and a cop?"
"No dudes! Tshh. You'll understand once you're in college."

I just never understood this whole 'lets make violence to stop violence' shit, and the thing is that usually these people are the hypocritical assclowns that walk around washington during a May Day parade with signs like "Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity!" I just realize that there's a reason why none of these radical assholes ever become involved in politics beyond basic political or literal terrorism (funding politicians who will turn the other cheek, or actually funding/carrying out terrorist attacks). They're generally no better than these brain-dead Bush supporters who want nothing to do with 'liberals'.

Generally if you're unable to voice your opinion and defend it decently, then you really have no business having that opinion, if you ask me. What is it they say about terrorists? You know someone has become totally radical once they quit talking politics and opinions altogether? I think I saw it on 24 or something. :D
Can they tear down that ass-ugly parliament building under construction instead? GAWD that thing sticks out like a very stupid looking thumb near the old part of town. That's the problem with mob violence; no sense of priorities.
I was given pause for thought yesterday by an Australian TV show, profiling a woman who had acted as a human shield in Iraq. During her time in the country, she was quite predictably abducted by some locals, and on the show was describing the exchanges she had had with her captors on the subject of the invasion. They asked her: "Why do Australians want to kill Iraqis?", and she responded by trying to convey the size and strength of feeling drummed up in the anti-war protests which took place in her homeland, and around all the nations comprising the corporation of the willing. According to her, the responses of the Iraqis on hearing of this gauged somewhere in between disgust and pity. If this is democracy, they said, we don't want any.

This seemed to me to highlight something important about democracy, and I'm wondering how to tell whether that thing is the essence of its value, or the mark of its failure. The perspective of the Iraqis seems to have been disbelief that so many people can gather together with one purpose, and yet fail: either to exert any political pressure on the executive, or to realise that they essentially constitute an invading army themselves, take up arms, and achieve the goal that originally brought them together by use of righteous violent force. Democracy in their eyes is an emasculation, in which the right to understand and commit violence is ceded up to the government like a hot and smelly potato, while the government for its part undertakes to keep all but the most teasing of tuberous afterwhiffs out of both sight and mind of the public.

Is it civilisation, or just narcosis? Is democracy nothing more than a means of disenfrachisement, or can it ever lead to any other end? Perhaps governments only exist because of the accumulated individual fear of being crushed by a system of government ... Anyway I've started this but can't finish it, as I lack the time and the investigative hunger to research the facts and figures that might suggest a direction in which to take it.

Two closing thoughts: First that I like the idea of people staging protests wherever the G8 break cover (is it me or does the G8 quietly do the job everyone thinks the UN does, or should?). However acting like a twat is just acting like a twat, and I think it's the shame of the world that twats and rozzers will steal the limelight at these occasions.

Secondly, a nice catch-all mantra for you (not to mention a shy confession): I am one. Say it with me ...
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