Beat EviLore at pool.
They need one every month. Just keep it going.
To voice our displeasure? What's the point of any protest?
It would help if the protests were focused on something, not just "we don't like trump for many reasons".
The whole point and message is so muddled with all these protests, people are constantly going "what are they protesting exactly?" Trump isn't going away, if there is specific issue that needs to be protested, then it needs to be made front and center.
These Protests should also direct people into how to register to vote etc.
Was at the one in Boston over the weekend. I feel like these would be way more effective if it happened during the work week. Shutting down a chunk of every major city while business is going on will garner more attention I think.
.You need a "VOTE MIDTERMS" rally.
That's holy Saturday. I'm not sure if that would be good due to sending more of a message or if it would be bad cause people would be away with families and unable to join
I can't say I know how religious you'd have to be to celebrate all of Easter weekend though since it might also be an indicator that they wouldn't protest in the first place
Was at the one in Boston over the weekend. I feel like these would be way more effective if it happened during the work week. Shutting down a chunk of every major city while business is going on will garner more attention I think.
Good point, they should also try to educate people on how to talk to their representatives to express their feelings on the issues.
Depends what the goal is. If the goal is to educate cities about Trump, sure. But nearly all cities are comprised of Democratic majorities. The goal that makes the most sense to me at present is to show anti-Trump numbers and increased organized opposition. Having it on a weekday decreases the number of people able to show up and leaves the crowds dependent on students, the better off, the most zealous, and those out of work. Weekends allow all of the above plus hourly workers and those without enough paid time off.
this would be better if the message behind the march isn't just about his taxes
should be marketing it as a march against everything as a whole.
If the goal is to convince voters then it is best to do so in a way that doesn't piss off commuters. If your goal is to convince the people who have already been voted in then the best way to get the message across is absolutely to disrupt the economy.
The people in power don't give a shit what people on the street think. They only care about their balance sheets.
Feels way too far out. Next three months are going to be terrible.
You need a "VOTE MIDTERMS" rally.
It would help if the protests were focused on something, not just "we don't like trump for many reasons".
The whole point and message is so muddled with all these protests, people are constantly going "what are they protesting exactly?" Trump isn't going away, if there is specific issue that needs to be protested, then it needs to be made front and center.
Was at the one in Boston over the weekend. I feel like these would be way more effective if it happened during the work week. Shutting down a chunk of every major city while business is going on will garner more attention I think.
Then the biggest issue would be people with religious families that they aren't quite willing to break ties with (that's my issue). Would be interesting to know how many people are in that kind of a situation. Probably more likely in areas like the Midwest but yeah it's a fairly specific situationBased on what I saw at the march I was at this movement is very anti-religion so I doubt it'll be much of an issue.
Maybe we should go to the Marches and hold up vote midterms signs.You need a "VOTE MIDTERMS" rally.
Yeah. It's goddamn embarrassing how huge the number of people I've talked to in real life who didn't even know midterms were a thing, many of whom also didn't know the difference between the Senate and the House (thinking "congress" was all one thing, and that Obama had control of it his entire presidency).You need a "VOTE MIDTERMS" rally.
On my birthday. Dope.not going as I don't want to spend my b-day in jail
On my birthday. Dope.not going as I don't want to spend my b-day in jail
On my birthday. Dope.not going as I don't want to spend my b-day in jail
The number of people arrested in DC for Saturday's march was zero.
Good point. I forgot to say I'm also not trying to get hit with pepper spray.
Why not anything in March?