Good, hopefully this continues and wages plummet enough to compete with China so all the low paying jobs come back and prosperity can finally return to the forgotten Americans that voted these people into office. I'm not even sarcastic anymore, if people want to continually vote against their own interests then by all means do it. Apparently no amount of "facts" or rational thought will persuade them so I hope all their dreams come true.
But then prosperity comes back and people's expenses rise, costs rise, and then salaries are too high and companies have to ship jobs back out again.
The only way Trump will be able to "bring jobs back" is either through handouts to companies, or making the workforce as cheap as possible, but to do the later he won't do so by financing a safety net, he'll do it by destroying unions, lowering min wage, that kind of stuff.
Making the workforce cheap is a good thing, but you're supposed to do it by lowering the workforce's own costs; education, healthcare, transport, energy, housing. Instead they'll leave that to the free market, so costs will rise, and shove the impact of that to later.