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Any DirecTV users here?

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I need some opinions of some DirecTV users. Recently in my area DirecTV started to offer a free 4 room setup and installation, and looking over the channel selection all the ones I noticed where missing before in my area (Sci-Fi, Comedy Central, G4TechTV and so on) are now available. According to DirecTV.com to get all these channels it will run me $91/month (including local channels).

Right now I pay about $110 a month for less channels (don't get HBO east and west like you do on DirecTV). Also only 1 TV in the house gets all the channels because the other 3 TVs do not have phone jacks in the same room (for some reason if we don't keep the digital cable box plug into the phone line Comcast will lock the box and we have to have them come out and replace it).

I am none too keen on paying $400+ to have the phone company put phone lines in these 3 rooms so this Direct TV is doubly intriguing (it is cheaper and I would get all the channels on all 4 TVs).

Sorry for the long rant but here are my questions:

1) Do the DirecTV receivers need a phone line like my current digital cable box?

2) Is the reception really as bad as the Cable ads make it out to be? I mean every time it rains do you have to adjust the dish?

3) Any asinine hidden fees? Am I going to be hit with a $20 duck tape tax or something else on my monthly bill?

Thanks for any help :D


1 - The recievers need a phone line only if you wanna order pay per view. If not, then no phone line needed.

2 - That is retarded. Once you put up the dish, you never touch it again. If it is really a bad storm the pic may stutter a bit or even go out for a minute. This happens rarely and when it does happen it doesn't last for very long.

3- The only hidden fee may be a mirroring charge for each additional box you set up. Make sure to inquire!!

4 - Yeah, there is no 4, but listen up... Make sure to get a DirectTivo reciever for your one TV that is near a phone line (it requires a phone line). It is really well worth it!!!!!



Thanks, I see there is a $4.99/month extra charge for each box (not bad). I am going to give them a call on Monday and see if I can get this deal with a discounted DirectTivo receiver (I know they won't give that away free).


Grandma's Chippy
Yeah that $4.99 per box thing is funny...they tell you it's free setup for four rooms but don't usually mention the extra $20 you'll be paying a mont for it. I got the three room myself, but eventually dropped one room once I got Tivo.


You CAN'T record one channel while watching another unless you have two lines or two recievers...unlike cable where you can let your TV/VCR record channels using its built in cabl;e reciever. Basically you need a reciever for every line. Frustrated me at first because I didn't realize it was like that. Got me a Tivo box and problem solved (Tivo uses two lines)

Oh, and how do you pay $91 a month?? That seems high as hell....unless you have lots of movie channels. I pay $61.50 after taxes for 2 rooms, Tivo, all the normal channels, my local channels, and the Stars Super Pack.


$91 is the package with all the available channels. I am going to take this info to Comcast, see if they are willing to give me a deal on some wireless modem adapters for their stupid cable boxes (cable tech said if I made a fuss they might give them to me for free). If they won't make it worth it by hooking up my 3 other TV to digital cable than I go to DirecTV.


works for Gamestop (lol)
A Tivo box is kinda mandatory if you want to record shows ever. Like Mr Pocket said, you can only record one channel at a time if you record using a VCR, you can't switch channels either or else it won't be recording the show you want to record

Seth C

My biggest question is what's wrong with your cable provider? I get cable, digital cable, HBO, Showtime, Flix, The Movie Channel, and cable internet for $69 a month. Yes, $69 a month. And why would they need a phone cable for your digital box? I suppose they don't have bi-directional cable setup? Yikes. Like living in the stone ages.


Grandma's Chippy
Seth where do you live? ehhe

For that setup here I'd pay like $150 I bet...

I went to directTV because of the ripoff prices of Comcast in this area.

Comcast - Digital, 1 box, with just 2 Starz channels - $80

DirecTV - Digital, 2 Boxes, Tivo, more channels (30+ more) and 5 Starz channels - See above price.

The decision was easy for me.

As for internet...

Comcast - $49.99 a month + installation - 2mbps DL

DSL - $24.95 a month, no installation - 1.5mbps

Comcast is supposed to have 3+mbps but I don't know anyone that has it and gets that speed. My DSL actually gets about 1.7-1.8.

Another easy decision.


I got off the phone with Comcast, apparently the new digital boxes don't need phone jacks anymore.

I had my box installed 3 years ago, Comcast seems to have just upgraded my area. Going to check my brother to see if he wants digital cable in his room and order what I need on Monday after I talk with the DirecTV people.

As for the price it is $85.00 for all the channels + box rental, fees and taxes brings my monthly bill to about $110 a month. If I added internet to that it would jump up another $45 a month.
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