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Any good green lantern graphic novels?

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First tragedy, then farce.
Back when I was younger the only comic I ever read on a regular basis was green lantern... dont ask me how I got hooked on it or why, but I was really into it.. then one day the hero of my youth went apeshit and started killing off other green lanterns and I stopped reading..

so I was just wondering if there are any good graphic novles from around the time of the turn/new green lantern change over that are decent..

or something from the 80's would be great as well, before all the bullshit.. grrr.


StoOgE said:
Back when I was younger the only comic I ever read on a regular basis was green lantern... dont ask me how I got hooked on it or why, but I was really into it.. then one day the hero of my youth went apeshit and started killing off other green lanterns and I stopped reading..

so I was just wondering if there are any good graphic novles from around the time of the turn/new green lantern change over that are decent..

or something from the 80's would be great as well, before all the bullshit.. grrr.

I think you'll be happy to know that DC plans on bringing back Hal Jordan as the hero he always was with the Green Lantern Rebirth miniseries. I forgot when it starts, but I'm gonna be there day one. Also, after the mini is done, the current Green Lantern series will be rebooted at issue 1, with him as the star.
Cool, Hal Jordan was always my favorite, too. I'll have to remember to look for this.

Edit: Sto0ge, since you like the old-school Lantern, you might want to check out the Green Lantern/Green Arrow collections (collects the old Denny O'Neil and Neal Adams run with the series), and also the Green Lantern Archive collections (love the Gil Kane Lantern). They're earlier than what you were looking for ('70's, I think), but great stuff that laid the groundwork for many things that happened later.


I'm hardly an expert on DC in general or Green Lantern in particular, but I do have two recommendations:


Will World by J.M. "Spectre" DeMatteis and Seth "Vertigo Pop: Tokyo" Fisher - A young Hal Jordan, new to the Green Lantern Corps, must undergo a particularly surreal rite of passage. I know that doesn't sound particularly exciting, but just wait until you see Seth Fisher's art. It is, in short, stunning, with complete insanity bursting forth in all directions. The cover I've posted simply doesn't do it justice; make a point of flipping through this at your local comic shop or bookstore.


DC: The New Frontier - This is a stunning mini-series written and drawn by Darwyn "Batman:TAS Kicked Your Fanboy Ass" Cooke, envisioning the DC universe just before the dawn of the Silver Age in the mid to late 1950s. A whole slew of folks show up, but in particular the series is about how Hal Jordan became the Green Lantern. The end results are drop dead gorgeous. Here's a sample:


No Hal Jordan in that pic, but you get the idea. This is being a released as a six issue miniseries, 64 pages each, no ads, at $7 a pop. Rest assured, the price for each issue is well worth it. With the fifth issue due out any week now, you may want to wait for the trade, but, let me tell ya, this is truly worth going out of your way to read as soon as possible. Fuck waiting! This is too good for waiting. If you're a Green Lantern fan, you're going to positively eat this up, so see if your local shop can hook you up. But, hey, don't take my word for it - there's a solid preview waiting for you at DC's website.

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