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Any marathon runners here?

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My brother and I decided that we are going to start training for a half marathon (13 miles) this Thanksgiving and a full marathon next spring. I assume that the best form of training is just to run, run and run, and I'm just curious who else here is training or has run in marathons before and any advice you have to offer.


Well I'm a high school cross country runner right now, but in a couple of years I'll definitely be gearing up for marathons. I don't have experience in marathon planning, but just some logical advice that comes to my head. You should start out at a distance that feels right and gradually (depending on time left and comfort) increase the distance until you're finally at the maximum distance. So definitely in your training for the half marathon you should be running 13 miles -- maybe more -- by the end of oyur training. And for the marathon in the spring you should definitely run a marathon length of 26 miles a couple of times if you can. I know people who have not trained very much and still been able to run a marathon, but that's a gamble you may not want to take. Where are the races being held?
Thanks for the info Zero. I'm in pretty good shape already. I played high school baseball this spring, had a membership and worked out at the gym this summer, and worked construction this summer. When I worked out on my own for baseball and a few times this summer I always warmed up with 2 miles, ran some bleachers or sprints and cooled down with a mile. I'm interested to see how far I can run if I push myself right now (I would guess around 6-7 miles).

The half marathon of Thanksgiving day is through Downtown Dallas, and I actually do not know where the marathon is during the Spring, (my brother told me about it, but didn't tell me where it is) but most likely it is also around the Dallas area.


Holds a little red book
CavemanLawyer said:
I'm interested to see how far I can run if I push myself right now (I would guess around 6-7 miles).
The question is, could you do that everyday? Because you'll need to be able to do that at least 5-6 times a week for the next three months to condition your leg muscles to the strain to do respectably in a Half. Unless of course, you're just planning to finish the half-marathon.
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