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Any MySQL experts here?

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How do I put a binary file such as a mp3, gif, or jpg file in MySql? I understand there are binary data types in MySql to hold sound or picture data, but I'm confuse on how you actually use them.

For example, let's say I created this table to hold mp3 files...

create table mp3 (
mp3ID int not null auto_increment primary key,

Now, let's say I created a SQL file to input the files into the database...

insert into table mp3 values
(NULL, [insert file here]);

My question is "What exactly do I put in the bracket where it says 'insert file here'?".

Thanks in advance.


try googling BLOB's. I don't know offhand, but I'd guess the binary stream encoded as some sort of text format.


I thought that originally, but wouldn't that make the SQL file messy with the funky binary data translated to a text format?


I prefer making links to the data files (on the server) inside of the tables rather than throwing in the entire file.


That's the advice I'm seeing on various sites after doing some research on it. And it's probably the route I'll take, but I would still like to know how to input a whole file into the MySQL database? Can you help with that?


Read the file, use the mysql function to make sure it's quoted properly (mysql_quote in php, I think, for example), and then just put it in like any other string.

Yes, that's how you do it. That means your files better not be very big or you'll be locking things in your database for longer than you should. And transfers will be fairly slow.

Using a separate file has its own problems, like ensuring a unique naming of the file and doing your own locking if it requires updating at some point and you want your site to be able to run on separate servers.


Get one big text field, base64 encode the file (turns it into nice text), shove that text in the field :)


Try this:

INSERT INTO MP3 (mp3ID,mp3_name) VALUES (NULL, [insert file here]);

It would be like this with the mp3 Super Mp3:

INSERT INTO MP3 (mp3ID,mp3_name) VALUES (NULL, 'Super Mp3');


That's for the assistance and explanations. What's the benefits and disadvantages of having binary data stored in the database, rather than storing just the links or references. I know someone said that you would have to worry about having unique names and locking the file yourself when updating it. I mean, mp3 files, for instance, can be very huge when encoded into text, so that would make that 'insert 'SQL file very huge and messy looking, correct?

For example, I looked online and came across an 'insert' SQL file for storing employee's information along with their picture in the database, and this is how the file looked.

  emp_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  dep_id int(11) default NULL,
  name varchar(100) default NULL,
  title varchar(50) default NULL,
  work_phone varchar(50) default NULL,
  home_phone varchar(50) default NULL,
  cell_phone varchar(50) default NULL,
  address varchar(100) default NULL,
  email varchar(50) default NULL,
  picture blob,
  emp_login varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
  emp_password varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
  emp_level int(11) default '0',
  manmonth int(11) default NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (emp_id)

# Dumping data for table 'emps'

(1,2,'John Smith','Director','(364) 134-5455',
'(364) 134-5455','(960) 393-3466','','johns@company.com',
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Now, imagine having hundreds of employees, then that file would be unmanageable when updating it manually via file. Of course, this could be remedied by updating it via a web interface. So, is this how most SQL files look when containing binary data?


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
the advantage to having binary data in the db is that you don't have to worry about it being unique, it is much easier to protect, and in many cases it is much easier to reference.

the disadvantage is that it makes the database huge in most respects (especially if you are talking MP3s) and will take the db a much longer time to search through and return results.

linking is always the best way to go when dealing with large binary files. of course you then have to make sure filenames are unique and have to incoporate a specialized way of making the file secure.

I haven't done anywhere near as much PHP as I have ASP. ASP you can use direct file access on the local filesystem and output it with BinaryWrite() (with appropriate application/type headers) to accomplish this. That way the binary file sits safely away from web access and IIS can serve up the files as needed to authorized users.

I'm sure PHP has similar functions, I've just never used them (yet).
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