God I love Cowboy Bebop. It's the only anime I really like, MAF pinned down why. It's so complete, even episodes that were off-beat that seemed filler were still small stories in their own respect. Cowboy Bebop was one of those shows that had solid everything. I even liked the voice overs. Still, the series and all 6 sessions began and wrapped up so cleanly that it makes me happy the creators managed to pull THAT ALONE off so well.
I especially agree with Session 6 comments. The episode with Ed had me really moved, along with how nicely The Real Folk Blues Pts. I & II played out. An all-around phenomenal show, with an equally delightful movie. In fact, the movie was on par with some of the best episodes of the show itself.
I did favor the darker episodes more, and anything that involved Spike's backstory. One of the other impressive components was Yoko Kanno's contributions to the series. Her music was so perfectly composed and it fit the mood like a glove. Not to say most of the chase/background music wasn't great, but notable tracks include:
Blue (End RFB

Call Me Call Me (End Hard Luck Woman)
Piano Black (Honky Tonk Woman)
Ganymede In Autumn (Intro of Ganymede: Boogie-Woogie Feng-Shui)
Space Lion (RFB

Memory (all over anythign with Julia)
Wo Qui Non Coin (Faye and Ed returning to Bebop: Hard Luck Woman)
Walts For Zizi (Shit if I remember, this will drive me crazy now)
And Ave Maria (Concert: Ballad of The Fallen Angels) was done pretty well, I believe.
I own all the soundtracks ; D Working on the sessions!