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Any other guy not get blue balls here?

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I've only had it once and my friend kept trying to hit me in the balls that night. It was in front of his mom too so she ended up asking what was going on and he embarrassed the hell out of me by explaining that I made out with my girlfriend for hours and didn't get to finish.
I drove a girl home, got hot and heavy in the car doing everything but, before she then stopped and thanked me for the lift before going into her apartment alone. Driving home was a fucking nightmare.
My girlfriend gave me blue balls on our first date. We made out against her car in the dead of winter for about two hours, then as I departed on the 20-minute drive back to my house, a horrible sensation began clamping down on my sack. I must've done 90 on the freeway just so I could get back and fap.


^ Its when your balls are about to burst like an overfilled water balloon or something because you decided to edge for hours on end. The actuall ejacu lol ation hurts like a mofo too. Like someone punching you in the nuts while you're climaxing.

I get it every now and then. Just gotta tough that shit out. First time it happened I was sitting on the toilet thinking it was a stomach cramp.
It's only happened to me twice.

Both those two times...oh my Jesus fuck. I thought they were going to explode.
Not in the good way


Yeah you get it, but ONLY when you're really sure you're about to have sex. I've never ever had it for wanking or oral. But coitus interruptus, yes. Dull throbbing pain, like the memory of getting kicked in the balls. I guess it has to do with your level of excitement.

maybe it's just feelings of disappointment and shame, except for your balls.
yes had it a few times. it's when the blood pools in your balls and can't get out. you can get it by masturbating too much too. i had a masturbation-athon, just chilling out and torrenting porn and must have cum 4 or more times in two hours. by then the balls were overused. felt really tight.

had the onset of it during sex two when i spent a rainy day just having sex. balls started feeling strained.
^ Its when your balls are about to burst like an overfilled water balloon or something because you decided to edge for hours on end. The actuall ejacu lol ation hurts like a mofo too. Like someone punching you in the nuts while you're climaxing.

I get it every now and then. Just gotta tough that shit out. First time it happened I was sitting on the toilet thinking it was a stomach cramp.

I thought edging led to incredibly long orgasms/lots of erm...material. Why do people do it if it's painful?


this show is not Breaking Bad why is it not Breaking Bad? it should be Breaking Bad dammit Breaking Bad
You could have prostatitis (infection of the prostate that could spread), epididymitis (inflammation of tubes behind balls due to bacteria), or orchitis (inflammation of balls).
I suggest getting yourself to a doctor for peace of mind, and a non-invasive ultrasound.

Also, don't ejaculate when sitting down at your computer, as sometimes the sperm will linger in your urethra and cause an infection because of the high concentration of staph, and other bacteria.
Make sure to squeeze every ounce of sperm you can get out of your penis. During the point of no return, stop handling your appendage.


I thought all guys got it. Apparently I'm the freak here because I've gotten it hundreds of times in my life. Its just a very painful throb and your nuts feel swollen. When they're real bad it hurts to walk and I can feel it up in my stomach.
Huh, thought it was just an expression for wanting to have sex but not having the opportunity.
It's an actual physical sensation?

Never had that, no.


it would happen to you, you arent doing it right

Go jerk off or have sex and then stop when youre about to finish 3-4 times. Then wait.. Youll feel it

I've done that waaaaaay more than 3-4 times and nothing bad has come of it. Maybe it's worse if you go deeper multiple times since I've just skimmed the surface, so to speak.


Theres this dude at work who's a virgin at 29. He's not ugly or fat, he's in fact in great shape, and I don't think it's because of his religious choices, he's just never had a girlfriend. He hits on every decent looking girl (I mean every SINGLE one of them) but he's weird and pours on the compliments to cringe worthy status. They always end up walking away and it never really seems to phase him.

Anyways we were joking around with jerking off the other day and mentioned that he was jerking it in the bathroom, he looked at us like we killed someone and said that touching himself was revolting and really grossed him out. I immediately though of how blue his balls must be.
It occurs when you're just fooling around with a girl for a long time without some form of release. Mildly unpleasant.

I have experienced something that happened after sex though, which was goddamn excruciating. Had sex for quite a long time (when you purposively avoid a climax), during it's all good, but afterwards (after climaxing) I had the worst kind of cramp you can imagine, reaching up my insides. Lasted for a good hour until it died down. Maybe my equipment can't handle extended periods of such enthusiastic abuse. Don't know.

(not bragging, have since been dumped by the lady I've had this with).


what in god's name is "edging"?

No, i've never had it. I joke with the wife about getting it whenever she decides she's got a headache/tired.


I thought it was a joke until last year when I was dating a girl who was a total virgin and religious her whole life. So the first like 2 months, it was nothing but those 8 hour make out sessions. I'd be in fucking agony after and didn't even realize what was up until the third or fourth time. It's really terrible, but I don't think most dudes are going to get them unless it is a very prolonged time of getting hard ons repeatedly.


I've known it was a real thing and all for a while but gotten lucky enough to never experience it I guess.


Experienced it for the first time a few days ago, then it happened again the next day and I had no idea what it was. Thought I had Testicular cancer and panicked.


I've experienced it many times. Mild cases are when I've gone too long without coming (2-3 days), but the worst have been from making out or fooling around with a girl and we don't end up fucking.

The testicles and lower abdominal region all ache, and it can be difficult to sit down. Even after ejaculating, the pain lingers to a lesser degree for about an hour or so afterwards.


It feels like you have a horrific case of gas pains, but without the gas, and with it hurting basically from the bottom of your sternum all the way to your thighs. My case, at least.


I've only had it once, when I was like 12 and messed around with a girl for the first time...but then had to go home before things could get too interesting.

It was horrible...like having the worst stomach ache imaginable, only it was in my balls. Absolute hell, but I'm really glad it hasn't happened since.


Also, I'm black, so I don't experience the array of color changes some of you pale folk see, but the testicles do not change color. They just become swollen.


They turn more purple than blue. For white folks, at least. It's not like full on blueberry testicles. It's a slight tint.
Oh boy have I got just about the worst story and it was my own stupid fault. This happened last night.

I've been dating this girl for the past week and last night was the night. We're getting hot and heavy at her place on the couch, when she says 'You're going to hate me, but I can't - even though I want to.' It was her time of the month. Bad timing. I tell her it's not a problem. Then she asks me if I want to stay the night anyway.

I made possibly the dumbest fucking mistake anyone could have made at that moment. I said yes.

So we both go to bed and we're both naked save for her keeping her panties on. And for HOURS (because I'm sure as hell not gonna be falling asleep anytime soon) we're engaging in endless foreplay. She's grinding up and down my crotch etc. Really masochistic stuff here.

I finally crack it and leave, because I'm running on no sleep as it is and frankly don't think I can take two sleepless nights.

The 5 minute drive home felt like an hour. Holy fuck. I had to pull over twice. I had a deep ache that reached from my baby blues up into the top of my pelvis. This lasted for an hour after I got home, relief or not.

Never again.


Oh boy have I got just about the worst story and it was my own stupid fault. This happened last night.

I've been dating this girl for the past week and last night was the night. We're getting hot and heavy at her place on the couch, when she says 'You're going to hate me, but I can't - even though I want to.' It was her time of the month. Bad timing. I tell her it's not a problem. Then she asks me if I want to stay the night anyway.

I made possibly the dumbest fucking mistake anyone could have made at that moment. I said yes.

So we both go to bed and we're both naked save for her keeping her panties on. And for HOURS (because I'm sure as hell not gonna be falling asleep anytime soon) we're engaging in endless foreplay. She's grinding up and down my crotch etc. Really masochistic stuff here.

I finally crack it and leave, because I'm running on no sleep as it is and frankly don't think I can take two sleepless nights.

The 5 minute drive home felt like an hour. Holy fuck. I had to pull over twice. I had a deep ache that reached from my baby blues up into the top of my pelvis. This lasted for an hour after I got home, relief or not.

Never again.

The Universe is cursing you for liking Speed Racer.


I've experienced it many times. Mild cases are when I've gone too long without coming (2-3 days), but the worst have been from making out or fooling around with a girl and we don't end up fucking.

The testicles and lower abdominal region all ache, and it can be difficult to sit down. Even after ejaculating, the pain lingers to a lesser degree for about an hour or so afterwards.

I get this too :\

it's horrible. If I don't masturbate in like a week and start fooling around (and don't ejaculate) it hurts like fuck.
I've only really experienced blue balls once.

One time I was fooling around with my gf at the time at her place. It was all foreplay but it was GONNA GO DOWN. Then her grandma came for a surprise visit and I left shortly after. I was in horrific pain on the drive home and it didn't fully go away until after my second fap.

I still hate that old woman after all these years.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
I have no idea why I'm typing this here... blue balls has only happened to me once. My first time with my current girlfriend is also just my first time ever. We were taking it slow, but we both kinda got evil about it and were trying to tease each other like crazy. Every night for three nights in a row we got a little closer to having sex. On the night when she decided I'd waited long enough, I ended up so anxious from the thought of losing my virginity and just physiologically feeling crazy from how close I had been coming to having sex for the last three nights, that I couldn't perform. That night my balls just hurt like crazy. I've never felt anything like it before or since. It was almost crippling.
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