keep your strippers out of my American football
I wanted to try out this beta blog dealio but you have to be "invited", like gmail. Anyone out there on this and have an extra invite?
f_elz said:wth is Y360?
Yahoo! 360° is currently in beta. You must receive an invitation in order to use the service. Sign up to be on the beta waiting list.
Keep your friends and family connected to you.
More about Yahoo! 360°
Share what matters to you
Create your own place online. Share photos. Create a blog. List your favorites, send a blast, and more. See an example
Keep your friends and family close
Invite them to your place to see what you've shared. They can create their own place and link it to yours. It's a great way to stay up to date.
Control who sees what
Share as much as you want, with whomever you want. You decide.
temp said:"I bought a new game for my XBox 360. I'll talk to you later on Yahoo 360, right now I need to go use my Colgate 360.
golem said:does anyone still need an invite? sorry wasnt checking this thread..