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Anybody else bite on the Spider-Man 2 CE preorder with the statue?


Gold Member
That's how they got me. I was planning on specifically not buying anything for months to catch up on some financial stuff but.......

Venom statues......

I mean, the way I justified it to myself, I've spent far more than that for just Venom statues before, with no game!

I'm weak, and I think my wife's gonna kick the shit out of me but all I do is goddamn work lately and I deserve to treat myself every great once in a while. Hell I didn't even have any sort of birthday anything outside of a text from a friend as I was too busy, so this is my gift to myself.
Good for you! You deserve to treat yourself.


Gold Member




Reseterror Resettler
No, just you, OP.

It's actually a historic case, they haven't secured a single sale via these means besides one pre-order made by an anonymous customer dubbed quietly "The Robin Hood of Marvel," and today, the lid has *finally* been blown on the identity of this pre-order paragon. GAF exclusive.

-All my love, I'm just baked. The only collector's editions and neat memorabilia I've ever acquired has been at places like booths at the infrequent Comicons I've been to and such.


Gold Member
For me:
I'll get the game once it's out, but I'm done pre-ordering any game (unless the game was so rare that pre-ordering would the only possible way to get it).
As for the over-priced CE editions that are out now, the statues are cheaply made and have never felt worth the price to obtain. I got to the point, if I was going to spend $100-$200 just on a statue then maybe look for actual high-quality made items (Sideshow, etc.) since I was that interested in them. Several of the CE statues I've obtained throughout the years have broken/fell apart/arrived damaged (and told nothing could be done)/etc. To me, it really seems like a money grab to manipulate fans of the series.

For yo:
If it makes you happy and that's what you want to spend your money on, go for it. It's that damn buyer's remorse that gets you in the end!


More power to you man. I'm only interested in art books, vinyl, and Steelbooks as collectibles. So these types of collectors editions don't do much for me. Looks sick though.

Not a fan of the empty Steelbook though ... I suppose its a fairly arbitrary difference, but we all have our rituals and the process of inserting a brand new disc adds to the experience for me personally.


Nope, no disc no buy
The whole thing is stupid.
You got people who buy digital because they don't want the tat and case cluttering up their room and you're trying to sell them a empty Steelbook and tat.
And the people who do want it won't buy it because it doesn't come with a physical disc.
Who is this for again?
The whole thing for the lack of a better word is retarded.

What's worse is people like me that collect Steelbooks
God of War
I have a Steelbook with my Deluxe Edition for those in my collection.
The sequels?
Thanks Sony my only choice in a overpriced collector's edition with a empty Steelbook & tat!

So much this, I would actually bite on the CE IF it included a physical copy of the game, because I just don't buy single player games digitally since I beat them and move on. This just makes me much more likely to just wait for a good deep sale on the physical edition. The game will for sure be great, but it's another sequel to a ps4 game that still looks like a ps4 game. I waited long enough for HFW to drop to 40 and enjoyed it alot, I can do the same with SM2


I stopped buying these when Death Stranding was released on PS4. But, I will admit seeing YongYea's videos, and him displaying the pod baby in the background always makes me wish I had gotten it.

At some point, I just realized I was spending too much money, and to top it off, some collector's editions are hidden away in my closet cause I don't have the space to display them.

I still buy the special editions if they have the steelbook, though.


I bet the SE and regular edition are produced in different facilities. Shipping over all those discs and packing them is just added cost and complexity. They're more of a transferable ownership token than actual usable media. Maybe they can just print their own tamper resistant fungible ownership deeds.


Nope, if CE's they don't sell physical copies with them anymore, I don't fuck with them anymore.
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That statue looks easily breakable. Looks like you could easily snap off that web shot part causing that one Spider-Man to fall down if you're not careful.


Why do you people keep buying this low quality crap for a premium? If you are ready to give $300 for this, you could get actual 1/6 premium statues or action figures. Most of these from collectors edition are plastic.
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Gold Member
Not really interested in this. I’m not sure what they’re thinking making a steel book when not including the game.. Feels like a slap in the face.

The figurine is cool I guess but I think it’d be more fun if they included something more unique. There’s already an abundance of figurines for Spider-Man that are likely much higher quality that this’ll be.
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Moderated wildly
If your a big spider fan it looks like a good statue, not for me but still great. All my money goes on lego like a real adult. 😆
Here in Australia, only 2 retailers had it for sale on Friday, On EB Games it went sold out after 15 mins and JB Hi-Fi had them for around 6 hours then gone.

Just like with the H:FW CE and the GOW: Ragnarok, people complained about the price, not having a physical disc and the content being too low.

At the end of the day I got mine and going to do the same as I did with the HFW and GOW:R CE, sell the digital game and get a physical game when is cheap.
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