I've made a bunch. Only published two of them.
Snails, available on Steam. This is a Lemmings like game. It took me more then 2 years to finished. Won a few prizes with it. I consider it a big success. Didn't made many money from it unfortunately.
The other was Fat Cats and Mice. A very simple game I've published on google play and Apple store. I've made this game as a sample game for a c++ 2d multiplatform game engine I've developed. It's not available anymore.
Those were a few years ago.
Lattely I've built a demo for a 3d platform game featuring a pirate in Unreal Engine 5. A lot of work...
Nowdays I don't have the stamina needed to endure such projects so I play poker instead.
Edit: I forgot to give you some tips. Game development is extremelly hard, you will need a lot of different skills. Start with something simple and don't bother with graphics, just gameplay. Use a game engine like unity.