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Anybody playing Kill Knight?


Lil’ Gobbie


It's criminal how little attention this little indie gem out of Australia is getting - it's like vampire survivors meets doom eternal with super tight gameplay and a very satisfying gameplay loop.

However.... it's definitely catered to the hardcore gamer; it's incredibly challenging and the controls take some time to master, but once you do.. it's hands down the best twin stick shooter i've ever plaeyd

also runs very well on steam deck :)


It looks pretty good, OP. Thanks for the recommendation. First time I hear about it but added to my steam wishlist. I'll have some time this weekend so I'll get to play it.


Played it for a bit. Got my ass kicked at first but it quickly started to click and I immediately saw the potential.

Need to get the hang of the controls, then I'm sure it's going to be a ton of fun. Kept switching between mouse & keyboard and controller. I prefer M&K but twin stick shooters can sort of go either way.


Gold Member
Looks great. I have been in the mood for a tight gameplay experience that fits the budget.
Have been playing The Ascent.
Will check it out on the weekend, thanks OP.
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