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Anyone besides me see a real deal terrorist event happening in Athens?

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I hate to say it but, I'm pretty sure some of our athletes are going to take one for the team.
Anyone besides me think it is possible?


Slick_Advanced said:
I hate to say it but, I'm pretty sure some of our athletes are going to take one for the team.
Anyone besides me think it is possible?

Or maybe the whole team will take one for the team........

OK, bad joke. :p


Honestly, though, it could happen, and in a way, maybe its a good thing if it does. It could seriously galvanize the world community against terrorism in a way that these other attacks couldn't. But, that remains to be seen.
I haven't followed much of the security. Does Greece have the manpower/intelligence to guard/protect the games or are outside countries/agencies assisting? What role is the US playing in security?

Doth Togo

Suranga3 said:
Athens will probably be the safest place on the earth during the olympics.

The safest place on Earth, I don't know. But Team USA will be safe. Delta and Special Forces will be watching every move they make.


Junior Member
Greece is putting in place the most expensive Olympic security plan yet, worth more than 1 billion euros ($1.22 billion).

By the August 13 opening ceremony, authorities will be deploying more than 70,000 security staff as well as thousands of cameras to secure the first summer Games since the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States. Greece has set up a seven-nation security advisory group, comprising France, Germany, Israel, Spain, the United States, Britain and Australia to provide intelligence and training, and has called on Nato for air and sea patrols.

But the government has said there is no indication, or intelligence "chatter", of a potential attack in Greece during the Games, a statement backed by the international police organisation Interpol and the United States.

Talk about secure...


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
If the terrorists were smart (and I pray they are not) they'd take advantage of all the focus everyone is paying to the election campaign and Olympics and just attack something off-the-wall and unexpected while the attention is differed.
tedtropy said:
If the terrorists were smart (and I pray they are not) they'd take advantage of all the focus everyone is paying to the election campaign and Olympics and just attack something off-the-wall and unexpected while the attention is differed.

Like a Wal-Mart in rural Virginia?


I think the target is too obvious and too well protected. I think the terrorists would rather choose a soft target and do it at an unexpected time.


Looking for Pants
They're waiting till 2008 in China. Should be a much easier target, considering they're just now implementing a plan to replace holes in the ground with toilets.
Seeing as the games are next week, I am pretty sure most, if not all the stadiums are either finished or just have a few minor touch ups.
Slick_Advanced said:
From what I've heard China is further along now with Olympic construction than Athens is today.

The plan is to finish the buildings by 2006 to test them out. IIRC, one of the buildings is already complete. This 2008 Olympics is supposed to be a showcase of how far China has gone, so they are banking on some really impressive buildings that will be finished by then.




BEIJING (AP) — Organizers of the 2008 Beijing Olympics have broken ground for a 100,000-seat stadium and plan to have all their major building projects finished more than 18 months before the games begin, officials said Thursday.
The plans are in striking contrast to what is happening in Athens, which is racing to complete venues just months before the start of its Aug. 13-29 Olympics.

In addition to the stadium, Beijing started work on a $120 million swimming center and will be building 13 other sports venues, Liu Jingmin, a Beijing deputy mayor, said at a news conference beside the huge pit dug for the stadium's foundation.

"The Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee will finish its construction work by the end of 2006. That will be more than 18 months before the beginning of the games. So we will be able to do test runs and have athletes come in for testing," Liu said.

Most of the $3.2 billion construction cost of the Beijing Games is coming from private investors, he said. The entire cost of the swimming center will be met by donations from wealthy ethnic Chinese abroad.

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