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Anyone else have weird obsessive behavior?

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I know this is weird...but before I leave my house, I HAVE to do the 2-step while standing on my couch for 53 seconds. After that I GOTTA go in the kitchen and check to make sure all of the condiments are organized in alphabetical order. Then it's safe to leave.
When I lived somewhere else there was a door I had to lock at certain times. After locking it I used to check it many times, once, twice, five, ten, up to about fifteen times, whatever. Lock it, check it, go away, walk back, check it again and so on. I don't know why. Save for that, just stuff as named above (counting, walking on tiles) but nothing I'm worried about.


JeffDowns said:
I know this is weird...but before I leave my house, I HAVE to do the 2-step while standing on my couch for 53 seconds. After that I GOTTA go in the kitchen and check to make sure all of the condiments are organized in alphabetical order. Then it's safe to leave.

BWAHAHAHAHAHA! I don't know why, but this made me lmao.

I check the lock of my place when I leave in combinations of two. Usually it's either 4 or 8 times, but sometimes I exceed by 1 and have to complete it.

Also, the usual don't cross the line on the sidewalk, but it's not something that happens all the time, though often.
I have very similar behaviors as you guys had post on this board. Does it comes across your mind that ppl hanging out on this board are all having minor OCD. We are similar kind of ppl. Just like ppl working in the game industry are usually from the 2-3 personality categories. Btw, I am INTJ.


Kurashima said:
Whenever I watch a movie, play games, or listen to music on my computer with headphones on (which is most of the time) I always have to take them off every once in a while to make sure the sound's only going through the headphones and not the speakers.

I only have this when watching porn :p

When I was younger I had to dissect all the words I heard, read or spoke into syllables (is that what you call them, I'm not sure) in my head. So if someone said tablespoon i'd go in my head: ta-ble-spoon.

This was incredibly irritating and time consuming, so one day I just told myself to stop and I never did it again.
Crispy said:
I only have this when watching porn :p

When I was younger I had to dissect all the words I heard, read or spoke into syllables (is that what you call them, I'm not sure) in my head. So if someone said tablespoon i'd go in my head: ta-ble-spoon.

This was incredibly irritating and time consuming, so one day I just told myself to stop and I never did it again.



aka The Hound
Whenever I buy something, the package has to be perfect, especially video games. I will look through every copy if I can and buy the "best" one. It's the same with books, comics, and DVDs. No one seems to understand. Because of this I can't loan my things to anyone.

Also, dripping faucets and ticking clocks drive me crazy. I can't sleep if there's one within earshot.


If there are bags of potato chips laying around, I HAVE to finish them...even when my throat starts to soar up. It's a sick obsession but good thing I have good metabolism.


Here's something that's really bugging me lately.. I just finished watching Gundam SEED.. BEST ANIME EVER!!! Ahem. OK. So I finished it and there was something revealed in the last episode or two that I'm just too paranoid/confused to except.. Just because it does not fit with what I had in mind.

I thought some character was x.. she turned out to be... let's say "y." For the past two days I've been remembering and watching AS MUCH SCENES AS POSSIBLE with that character to "convince" my self of the reality.. It's like thinking the sky is purple then seeing it as blue. I worry that seeing it is not enough for it to "register" in my head and just think it over and over and over.
the event is frey's death.. i couldn't believe she actually loved Kira! I knew in a way she did and she tried to deny it.. but saying she is glad he's alive and wants to see him.. then after dying appearing to him telling Kira that she'll protect him with her real thoughts..

I cried like a baby during that scene.. :(

Of course finishing an AWSOME series in a 16 hour anime marathon is bound to mess you up a bit. I miss the characters. I miss the world. I miss the excitment I had when watching the endings and openings (great music!) and just swim in everything gundam seed.

I felt disgusted when turned on the TV this morning. Just watching everything in the news.. stocks, iraq.. then looking at my programming text and remembering school. It's the real world. No space. No gundams. No colonies. No kira. No frey. :( :( :(


Blackie said:
I have this weird thing where I randomly decide I have to look at this certain person, or throw a rock at a certain branch of a tree, or jump over a certain bench, or else my future will be ruined. And I always do whatever I've randomly decided is necessary for my survival.

blackie, this one totally clicked with me. I don't do it anymore, but when i was between 10 and 14, i would get the same sort of random missions, like i would have to walk between 2 things, or organize the salt and pepper shaker symetrically on the table ( i still do this, but it's mostly for fun now). Sometimes i'd decide that i needed to eliminate all evidence that i had walked on the carpet and made sure that it was all combed with the grain.

My doom was never the issue, though. I never really considered the consequences of not completing the task. Not completing the task was simply out of the question.

Anyway, somewhere along the line i grew out of it.

The only issue i seem to have now, which has an entirely different feel than the other stuff, is how hard it is for me to put mail in a public mailbox. It's such a commitment. once you drop it in, there's no going back. so i look my letters over repetedly, making sure all needed info is there. this can take up to 5 minutes because i lose the ability to trust my own eyes. I can be staring right at the person's name, and i'm not convinced that the name is on the envelope. weird.


aku:jiki said:
Not trying to trivialize your situation or anything, but come on, forcing yourself to get 10 numbers in a day sounds awesome. :D

Getting all those numbers is awesome. The negative side of the obsessive flirting is when I flirt with multiple girls in one class and try to take all of those relationships to the next level at the same time(I did this a couple of weeks ago). I end up having to either sneak into the classroom and sit next to one of the girls without the others noticing, or I just ditch my class to avoid jealous confrontations. I missed the last week of my humanities class because of that (still aced the final).

Lmao @ Jeffdowns couch 2 step.


I have a bunch of little things, but the main one I'm worried about is one that's kinda violent. When I have something important in my hands say... a friends camera, an expensive glass vase or something, I have the INTENSE urge to just whip it to the ground. Last time I was holding my brother's binoculars and I just had the urge to whip it to the ground, and they weren't cheap either.

So far I've been able to resist the urge, but it does fucking worry me.


One strange thing...

When pumping gas for my car, if the price total was higher then the current year I would get the feeling that the total price was the year I was going to die, so I would make sure that it got to a nice high number (i.e. $20.73, making me 100 at death). I haven't done this for years though, and am not sure why I started and why I stopped.
Haha, I also try to avoid leaving from or arriving at home with a :13 on the clock, and if I arrive at work with the clock at :13, I'll meander around the parking lot until it turns to :14. Most of my ride to and from work is spent endlessly recalculating my ETA to make sure it doesn't hit :13.


The minute someone suggests I might have left my window rolled down on my car I HAVE to check it. Same goes for locks. Cause it eats at me.


MrAngryFace said:
The minute someone suggests I might have left my window rolled down on my car I HAVE to check it. Same goes for locks. Cause it eats at me.

Are you sure you locked your car? I hear thefts are an often occurrance at the desert.



i always switch my alarm clock to prime or odd number minutes ... ie. 7:13 instead of 7:15...

and i have a tendency to spell out words in my head. but that's probably cuz english is not my first language.


Reading some more of these responces I'm finding I do some of the stuff mentioned after my first post. Checking my alarm clock, my entire life I've slept through it or screwed setting it up a grand total of 5 times in my 21 years of existence and yet since the second time I did it I always make sure 2- 3 times that the alarm is on.

I have a horrible tendency to force myself awake mere minutes sometimes even seconds before the alarm goes off just so I don't ever have to listen to it go off. The strangest thing is that I literally can't sleep at night if I have to be up for any reason at all the next day. Going all the way back to 8th grade I've been this way, unless I'm sick . I go to bed too late and I'm tired all day becuase of it.
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