This was the worst experience I had ever been through in terms of human sociology and psychology during Covid, mind you. I am now truly empowered with understanding Cluster B Personality Disorders due to Trauma Bonding episodes a while back (ASPD, NPD, BPD, APD... you name it).
I am No Contact with the person who claimed to love me (as their best friend for 1.5 Years) but instead this person covertly manipulated and abused me (personally she didn't fuck around with me that often due to me being a very independent person however I let a lot of red flags go due to her constant victim stories/abandonment by others - should have had alarm bells go off then). The worst part was the Flying Monkeys (people I knew before the Narcissist - ones I have traveled with and spent time with, taking her side during the smear - bonus points - they never met her in person) that was probably the worst shock because she was probably doing all this behind my back for months, so I had to cut them out as well; I swear only one person stood up for me and she was outside of this smaller network of friends I introduced the Narcissist to, thank god I didn't introduce her to my really close friends. Just because you're a man, the sympathy and empathy went towards this woman since she projected her abuse to everyone on me. Or it may even be less about gender but the fact that they are master manipulators. I could literally destroy her with what I know now, but that's my justice and truth seeking traits speaking with some minor narcissistic tendencies of my own for revenge, but I am a decent person and you don't touch something like that again. I ruminated about this person for 1-2 months like it was a drug, I read up on it and it was said that it was worse than cocaine addiction (peptide addiction in my case) when it all ended at Discard (hopefully) because they have a tendency to come back months or years later.
I am truly fine now, but god damn I had no idea personality con-artists really existed and the betrayal pain is beyond comprehension. The person really did me a favor though, not only did the trash take itself out but also the snakes around me. I also am working on my childhood wounds (I do not label myself as an empath) but I can tell you this much that my health deteriorated while this person was around due to my limbic system being on overdrive once the devaluation stage set in. I am now for the first time truly experiencing self love with the right attitude with total focus on myself (I didn't need therapy since my support network is really strong) and am doing things I truly love after a long time). I also use discernment now to see if people are good enough for me and my company, I still help anyone who needs me, but now I stay detached af. I only invest in reciprocity.
Anyone got juicy stories or was I the only sucker to go through these empty meat suits or idiots with crowns?
P.S. I will tell my story on request. I don't want to seem like a schizo and claim how I defeated the Narcissist, let's just call it a draw. I sent her into mortification by accident and she sent me a smear campaign and discard in return for her own shared fantasy broken with me that I was completely unaware of. I played the game not knowing who I was dealing with and all it taught me was watch the fuck out for ANYONE seeming too good to be true or having a huge victim complex. DO NOT REACT, thats what they want, your reactions; they are known as emotional vampires for a reason. Complete wimps though since they can never stand up to you or measure up to you - they idealized you for a reason for something you have.
I am No Contact with the person who claimed to love me (as their best friend for 1.5 Years) but instead this person covertly manipulated and abused me (personally she didn't fuck around with me that often due to me being a very independent person however I let a lot of red flags go due to her constant victim stories/abandonment by others - should have had alarm bells go off then). The worst part was the Flying Monkeys (people I knew before the Narcissist - ones I have traveled with and spent time with, taking her side during the smear - bonus points - they never met her in person) that was probably the worst shock because she was probably doing all this behind my back for months, so I had to cut them out as well; I swear only one person stood up for me and she was outside of this smaller network of friends I introduced the Narcissist to, thank god I didn't introduce her to my really close friends. Just because you're a man, the sympathy and empathy went towards this woman since she projected her abuse to everyone on me. Or it may even be less about gender but the fact that they are master manipulators. I could literally destroy her with what I know now, but that's my justice and truth seeking traits speaking with some minor narcissistic tendencies of my own for revenge, but I am a decent person and you don't touch something like that again. I ruminated about this person for 1-2 months like it was a drug, I read up on it and it was said that it was worse than cocaine addiction (peptide addiction in my case) when it all ended at Discard (hopefully) because they have a tendency to come back months or years later.
I am truly fine now, but god damn I had no idea personality con-artists really existed and the betrayal pain is beyond comprehension. The person really did me a favor though, not only did the trash take itself out but also the snakes around me. I also am working on my childhood wounds (I do not label myself as an empath) but I can tell you this much that my health deteriorated while this person was around due to my limbic system being on overdrive once the devaluation stage set in. I am now for the first time truly experiencing self love with the right attitude with total focus on myself (I didn't need therapy since my support network is really strong) and am doing things I truly love after a long time). I also use discernment now to see if people are good enough for me and my company, I still help anyone who needs me, but now I stay detached af. I only invest in reciprocity.
Anyone got juicy stories or was I the only sucker to go through these empty meat suits or idiots with crowns?
P.S. I will tell my story on request. I don't want to seem like a schizo and claim how I defeated the Narcissist, let's just call it a draw. I sent her into mortification by accident and she sent me a smear campaign and discard in return for her own shared fantasy broken with me that I was completely unaware of. I played the game not knowing who I was dealing with and all it taught me was watch the fuck out for ANYONE seeming too good to be true or having a huge victim complex. DO NOT REACT, thats what they want, your reactions; they are known as emotional vampires for a reason. Complete wimps though since they can never stand up to you or measure up to you - they idealized you for a reason for something you have.
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