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Anyone get Dynasty Warriors: Empires?

Musashi Wins!

Yea, it's reviewing poorly and it looks like more of the same but...these games don't really review that well. You either love them or you don't. Anyhow, the strategy-lite add ons seem interesting and it's only 30 bucks...

C'mon tell me about it someone. I've been strong enough to avoid it so far, but there are others on here even weaker than myself.
I'm diggin' it. The Edit Mode is great (more models, all fighting styles available), and I like the dynamic campaign. It's not as "deep" as I'd hoped, but it is a bit more challenging then DW4 in that you need to strike a good balance between troop replenishment and territorial advancement. Definitely worth the asking $30 for fans.

Musashi Wins!

Does it have the sort of replay value that is standard for the series? I was looking at the map in the manual and I'm wondering how long it might take a competent player to "conquer". It dumps musou mode and some of the others, yes?
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