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Anyone going to see King Arthur? (56k go watch Quest for Camelot)

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Gold Member
Going to check it out after work tomorrow. Keira Knightley in Celt warpaint = must watch. Plus, it's by Antoine Fuqua. Sure you have Replacement Killers and Tears of the Sun, but then there's Training Day.

Movie will bomb so hardcore in the UK it's not even going to be funny. Firstly it presents the idea that Arthur was real and secondly it uses the theory that he was the Roman Arturius - both of which are rejected big time.





I think she's hot, I love middle-ages themed movies, I love anything about war and I especially love anything that combines the middle ages and war.

It's sort of a testament to how bad the previews look that I don't want to see this movie. :\ I might buckle and see it with very, very low expectations on the weekend. Maybe a matinee. Maybe.

Whoever sees it tomorrow must post a review so I know whether or not it could work as just a sword-fighting action flick.


Holds a little red book

So...this is wrong? If it's Sixth Century, then of course he shouldn't be a Roman.


No, I'm not going to see it. There aren't any big name actors in the film so it really doesn't deserve $6 from me.


ManaByte said:
Going to check it out after work tomorrow. Keira Knightley in Celt warpaint = must watch. Plus, it's by Antoine Fuqua. Sure you have Replacement Killers and Tears of the Sun, but then there's Training Day.

Movie will bomb so hardcore in the UK it's not even going to be funny. Firstly it presents the idea that Arthur was real and secondly it uses the theory that he was the Roman Arturius - both of which are rejected big time.





Replacement Killers rocked. Training Day was OK. Tears of the Sun was awful.

This looks as generic as they come. Plus it is at 32% on RT. It is one of those deals where the good reviews are pretty bad, and the bad ones are really bad.

She is hot though.


Gold Member
Pattergen said:
Replacement Killers rocked.

You never saw Hard Boiled and The Killer, did you. If you did, you'd know that Chow Yun Fat NEVER FUCKING NEEDS TO RELOAD. He has magic guns that never have to drop a clip, and he was reloading all over the place in Replacement Killers.


ManaByte said:
You never saw Hard Boiled and The Killer, did you. If you did, you'd know that Chow Yun Fat NEVER FUCKING NEEDS TO RELOAD. He has magic guns that never have to drop a clip, and he was reloading all over the place in Replacement Killers.

Actually a huge fan of all of Chow/Woo HK films. The Replacement Killers is the closest he has come to his previous bullet flinging films. Far off, yes, but it was a good watch.


Hollywood Square
Lame. Everyone go see Spider-Man 2 instead. And if you must see King Arthur because you're brain damaged or something, buy a ticket for Spider-Man 2 and sneak into King Arthur. This way, Raimi can pay his rent and you can assist in ruining Disney, so they'll give Eisner the boot.


way more

I already agreed to see this, and I've enjoyed his other movies, Replacement Killers kicked ass. Tears of the Sun I only liked because of Bellucci. Whats with Antoine Fuqua and gorgeous women? Eva Mendez, Monica Bellucci, Mira Sorvino.


I hope this movie BOMBS REALLY REALLY hard. When I first heard of it I was sort of looking forward to it...then I found out that Arthur is a motherfucking ROMAN and that they're trying to pass off the legend as being real. I absolutely love the arthurian legend and not even I will watch this shit.


Gold Member
jett said:
I hope this movie BOMBS REALLY REALLY hard. When I first heard of it I was sort of looking forward to it...then I found out that Arthur is a motherfucking ROMAN and that they're trying to pass off the legend as being real. I absolutely love the arthurian legend and not even I will watch this shit.

Looks like someone needs to get to know Arthurian legend a bit better :D


I for one will never understand how ppl can be against a legend being changed around. If they wanted to make it on Mars and Arthur and his knights ride off to battle the evil Venusians on their robot horses, who gives a fuck? It's all fiction anyway. Same with Robin Hood and stuff like that - if they want to take the barest idea of the legend and spin it off into something entirely different it's not like the "real" Arthur gives a shit because 99% of his myth is just old stories gradually incorporated into one maybe-sorta real guy. The most common legends of Camelot has been done a dozen times already, why not make it different?


Gold Member
calder said:
I for one will never understand how ppl can be against a legend being changed around. If they wanted to make it on Mars and Arthur and his knights ride off to battle the evil Venusians on their robot horses, who gives a fuck? It's all fiction anyway. Same with Robin Hood and stuff like that - if they want to take the barest idea of the legend and spin it off into something entirely different it's not like the "real" Arthur gives a shit because 99% of his myth is just old stories gradually incorporated into one maybe-sorta real guy. The most common legends of Camelot has been done a dozen times already, why not make it different?


The Arthur of popular culture is variously a late Roman, a Celt, or a paragon of high medieval chivalry; a king, a general, or a guerilla warrior holding off the barbarian horde.

At the core of all the chronicles and all the legends, the seed of these tales, lies the shadowy figure of a leader who may have fought at Badon and perhaps died at Camlann, wherever those places might be...


He fought everywhere. He won great victories. A strong tradition has him a Roman heldover who uses his knowledge of cavalry to rout the Saxons time and again, counting on their inexperience in fighting mounted men.



I'm sure you've seen Knightley before. :p

Her boobies are just strapped down by the costume she's wearing. I imagine it was probably somewhat uncomfortable.


I almost posted a pic of First Knight, but I didn't want it's gigantic sucking to infect the thread and ruin King Arthur.

ManaByte: I didn't even know the Roman angle was an existing part of the legend, but then theres so many variations already. What the hell are ppl complaining about then? It's even less of a twist than I thought.


Gold Member
calder said:
ManaByte: I didn't even know the Roman angle was an existing part of the legend, but then theres so many variations already. What the hell are ppl complaining about then? It's even less of a twist than I thought.

Probably because no one ever made a big movie about it before. Previously all movies about Arthur focused on the British version of the Legend that turns him into the great king with a wizard and love triangle.

In reality, Arthur was most likely the Roman Artorius (or Arturius depending on the translation you read) who lead very large battles against Anglo-Saxan invaders down from Scotland and into Wales. Legend does point to his "knights" and even Merlin who was most likely a crazy Celt prophet.


I already saw it. Its pretty good, but its a summer popcorn flick and really nothing more. It isnt Fuqua's best work(but its better then Tears of the Sun :p) Its pretty average in most respects, and the fight sequences are a hit and miss affair. Some of it is really good, other parts are really hurt because you can tell it was cut up to get a PG-13 rating.

Its still a good choice if you like these types of movies, just dont expect anything amazing and you should be fine. Its nice to see a medieval war movie without Orcs, trolls and magic though. ;P


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
The previews made it seem so typical, they just didn't show anything that made me want to rush out to the theater.

Lil' Dice

I'm sick of movies featuring a 90lbs woman kicking the asses of 7' men......I want to see a mean, fat Celtic bitch kicking ass all over the battlefield......


I saw it last night at a free radio screening that a friend got tickets to so i went. I really really liked it. Of course, it helps that I have always enjoyed reading about Arthur and the knights (all sides and accounts and ideas) and thought that this was a very interesting perspective on it.

I was on th edge of my seat the entire time...

and not giving anything away - but there are some SWEET scenes in the movie, esp when they Saxons are following them in the snow....intense scene.

I def. recommend seeing this movie.
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