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Anyone got Sly 2 impressions?


All the reviews came out like a week before release, so that's old news.
I'm thinking of picking it up as it'll be cheap this week, and I enjoyed the first one.

So now that it's out, has anyone picked it up and given the game a try?

Agent X

I got Sly 2 earlier today. I only played it briefly, but like the first game, it's damn good.

Sly starts off with many of the moves that he had acquired by the conclusion of the first game, along with a couple new ones (combo attacks for fighting). I've only tried the first few scenarios, but what I've played so far arranged a bit differently from the demo, with some new scenarios inserted in between the ones featured in the demo. There's a good mix of fighting, stealth, good old-fashioned platforming, and even a bit of picture-taking, reminiscent of Beyond Good & Evil.

I haven't tried Bentley and Murray in the full game yet, although I played their segments in the demo. Those who fear that the game would be diluted because of playing as different characters (other than the "main" character) should not worry, if the demo is any indication.

The storytelling is done in a similar style to the first game, with short animated sequences introducing the characters. The first game often had amusing flashbacks showing what motivated him/her to take on a life of crime; Dimitri (the first boss) is introduced this way, so I guess they're sticking with that tradition for this game. :)

If you happen to have a USB headset, you can enable an option in the setup menu so that remote communications from your teammates are heard through the earpiece in the headset, rather than through the TV speakers. It's a nice touch.

So far, I give this game a solid "thumbs up," particularly if you liked the first game, or platformers in general.


works for Gamestop (lol)
The lack of impressions on this forum is telling me that this game is gonna bomb like the first one

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
I'm dissapointed.

The first game blended a nice marriage of platforming, action, and creative technique, stylized with personality and comical charm. Straightforward and to the point, it gave you linear environments with enough acrobatics and obstacles to make for a kinetic jumping game that could be tackled in a variety of ways, all rewarding to the player.

Sly 2 essentially mutates the franchise into this pseudo stealth enterprise that shares more in common with Splinter Cell than Mario. The hub worlds which now make up the bulk of the game, are like broken jungle gyms. Enticing at first glance, but ultimately missing visceral excitement. Parading across rooftops and pickpocketing guard patrols is pointless filler that hasn't evoked a hook from me yet. Oh, but you CAN collect 30 bottles hidden about for some secret ability much like the first game, pretty much the only driving factor to traipse around these dull sandboxes.

The individual tasked goals which are the focus of the -game- are punctuated, mindless routines in platforming 101. They are unique, and drive the narrative for the big 'heist' that caps off each hub world, but in the end are mostly just minigame fodder rather than full fledged twitch affairs as we got in Sly 1.

It's not all bad though, the presentation is again tops. Music, visuals, and the frontend are engaging. For total immersion, you can plug in a USB headset to hear Bentley bark orders in your ear rather than through your stereo, but I haven't cared to try it. Playing as each of the characters is a nice change of pace(Bentley's bag o' gadgets being a neat twist), but the content is just lacking in experimentation and required technique.

I'm nearing the end of the second world, and thus far I just have not been pleased. Buy Gradius 5 instead.


Also disappointed.

I think the 1st game was better... It was more of a platformer, this reminds me of Jak2. The worlds (hubs) are big and open with not much to do except to travel from mission to mission a la Jak2 or Tony Hawk. The missions themselves range from fun to annoying. I am not sure who thought it would be fun to control the turtle and hippo, but it is not.

$$ is way to easy to come by... Everything you hit gives up tons of coins. It gets to the point where you don't even bother getting them anymore.

Some missions have areas that are off the beaten path and hard to get to and would seem a likely place for some sort of cool reward, but alas... only more coins that are EVERYWHERE else.

Oh, and the camera is terrible. You have to keep adjusting it, the game doesn't do a good job of keeping it in a good place as you traverse the levels.

Lastly, you cannot skip dialog... So, when Bentley is taking, it takes FOREVER. He talks like a 5 year old doped up on prozac.

I will continue through it and hope it turns out to get better as I get further in.
I was going to pick this up today. But when I got to the store some strange wind blew over me and the word "Fable " came from my mouth, as I spoke with the clerk.
I'm regretting those words right now just a little.



1) what happened to the levels? i don't give a fuck about this overworld nonsense with the levels are like two screens big. Thankfully the overworld is well design, but that doesn't excuse the short levels.

2) The goal complete signs, interface and pick pocket treasure signs are fucking ugly. it's amazing how bad they made that look especially when the rest of the game looks real awesome.

3) the sound suffers from that same problem, the music and most of the sounds effects are good, but the sound effects after you pick pocket, knock a gem off an elephant are awful.

4) the hiests aren't as good as they should be. they are almost there - but not quite. also the bosses, while well design aren't as fun to battle as in sly 1.

it has plenty of good points, but nothing that makes this game standout from the other platforming games this generation. Sly Cooper I was a brilliant fuse of current trends and old school traditions, that's all gone now.


Heliocentric said:
I was going to pick this up today. But when I got to the store some strange wind blew over me and the word "Fable " came from my mouth, as I spoke with the clerk.
I'm regretting those words right now just a little.
I have a feeling Sly 2 will be on the clearance rack long before Fable, so don't worry too much.
I'm liking it. I thought the first world was completely dull, but I'm on the fourth now and enjoying it much more. Missions become a bit more varied, and I really do enjoy playing as Bentely and Murray.

+ Excellent graphics and design, just like the first one.
+ Endearing characters (although I get real tired of talking animals)
+ The three characters are all well integrated.

- Some of the voice acting sucks, IMO. It ranges from excellent (Bentely) to oddly disconcerting (Sly)
- The camera is a pain in the ass.
- Aside from completing mission objectives, and finding the hidden moves, there just isn't a lot of incentive to play the game. If you're going to have a hub world, there needs to be way more to do than just wander around on the roofs and pickpocketing guards. Having a big empty level to wander through to get from mission to mission only ends up wasting time.

Right now I'm liking the game a lot, but I can tell once I finish it, I'm not going to play it again (just like the first one). I'll probably end up trading this in towards a new game next week.


I picked it up as well ($40 Canadian? Thanks, Future Shop!), and after burning through Sly 1 in two days and starting up Sly 2, I'd have to mostly agree with Jugendstil on both the positives and negatives.

At this point I may just burn through the game and trade it in as well. But don't get me wrong, I AM enjoying it :)
explodet said:
I picked it up as well ($40 Canadian? Thanks, Future Shop!), and after burning through Sly 1 in two days and starting up Sly 2, I'd have to mostly agree with Jugendstil on both the positives and negatives.

At this point I may just burn through the game and trade it in as well. But don't get me wrong, I AM enjoying it :)

yeah same here, picked up Sly 2 and Burnout 3 from futureshop :D
Get this damn game people. The humor, the slick animations the cool missions prior to the big heist. This game rules all. It's always a good time when yer "The Murray" or Bentely. Check this out, at least rent the fucker.
I'm not dissapointed whatsoever. I only played a little bit of the first Sly Cooper, and now that I'm playing through Sly 2, I'm loving it. I'm glad the one hit deaths are gone, and I'm actually liking playing as Murray and Bentley too. I also like that it's a bit open ended, but not too open ended...Those of you who have played it will know what I'm talking about.

Anyway, in my opinion, the game is definitely worth picking up thus far. Give it a shot.


Didn't enjoy what I played of it, but who am I to say, I'm the crazy guy who dug Mario Sunshine. CRAZY.

Maximo 1 & 2 still rule the scene as far as the action platformer genre goes on PS2, IMO.


I've played a couple of hours. Really Enjoy it, a major improvement over the first. I like the design of the levels and the missions. I like the way the game mixes up bently and murray into the game play and how it feels more cohesive as a story than the first. Overall no complaints. The camera is no different from the last game IMO.


One difference I noticed in the camera is that there doesn't seem to be an auto-center. Is there something I'm missing (I skipped the instruction manual, as usual)

The camera control now works in 3 axes now, though. Much easier to find those clues.

And Camelita lost her accent? Bah!
BuddyChrist83 said:
I have a feeling Sly 2 will be on the clearance rack long before Fable, so don't worry too much.

At this point I'm very pleased to own Fable. It really picks up! Sly is one I'll pick up eventually just 'cause I'm a sucker for its cel shaded visuals and platformers in general. I'm going to get Katamari Damacy this week, though :) Sorry Sly. Sorry Sucker Punch.


hyperbolically metafictive
sounds SHITTY! i was worried that the virtues of the original would be lost amid all the immersion and open-endedness and cinematic setpieces. bleh.

Ranger X

Ok so Sly2 is still the same style as Sly1? ---- +1

Sly2 is getting more open and "adventure like" ala Jak2? --- +1

3 characters with differents habilities? --- +1

Now there's something i did really hate from Sly1, the fucking number of mini-game that was almost bigger than the number of actual levels... DOES SLY2 HAVE MINI GAMES?

if not: + 10 000 and i buy.

oh yeah, and both Maximo games FUCKING rules.


I think the 1st game was better... It was more of a platformer, this reminds me of Jak2.

Why can't we just have a platformer anymore. Why does it have to have guns and action and angst and attitude and whatever. I'd probably be better off playing the original Sly again.


it has some lame gun turrent mini games. but you should still buy the game.

also: not the same gameplay style as sly 1 and it's not open like jak II.
This game is really awesome. The opening bit between Bently and Sly is hilarious!! The first mission was really easy though; hope the game gets harder as I progress.

But anyway great style, great music, awesome characters, funny. This game roxx!


Doom_Bringer said:
The first mission was really easy though; hope the game gets harder as I progress.
It does not. It doesn't even have the standard 3D platforming formula of the game being easy as hell, but the very final boss being a pain.

I'll agree pretty much directly with Brandon F. Not to say I hated the game -- I really liked it, but it was not as good as the first. Like.. Bentley and Murray are a nice change sometimes (it's real nice how switching to Murray lets you just mangle your way through the enemies, whereas you'll pretty much have to run if you're Bentley), but most of the time they're just annoying. The levels were so very clearly built for Sly, it can get ridiculous. Like that Canada level, where you'll have to take the long way around to reach the safe house if you're playing as any of the others. Dumb stuff like that is sprinkled all over the levels.

Also, I really hate how they dropped the ball on the unlockables. I thought the first had some of the best ever. Not only did you get some decently cool movies (if you liked the game enough to care about the making of it, anyway) if you 100%'d the game, you also got a good audio commentary track for each level you'd 100% on your way to the final completion of the game. Nice incentive and nice rewards in one. Here, you beat a level and press the square button at the right time in the menu and you get to see all the unlockable shit without even beating the game. That's just plain pointless.

The biggest drawback, for me, though is the hub levels. I mean, I wouldn't mind if it was like Jak II where the hub is huge and you get to leave it a lot to go out in, say, some mining area to explore or whatever. Here, you're mostly staying in the same miniscule hub, doing the same shit over and over and occasionally you'll get rewarded with an "outside" (usually inside, but yeah) level for some nice diversion. Too bad they're usually like two rooms long.

Also, the character art and design is much uglier than the first game. It works, and the cutscenes look pretty good, but they look crap everywhere else. Especially in-game.

I do like the shooter tribute boss on the Canada level, though. It even borrows an attack from Dodonpachi (the sweeping from left to right and spitting out "curves" of long, purple shots attack of boss 4 or 5, I forget) -- as a shooter fanatic, I thought that was hilarious and great.


I pre-ordered this game, got the demo, and wasn't impressed. The demo was returned and I got my $5 back.

I still had hope for the game for some reason, so I ended up renting it, and it's a good thing I did. I'm loving it now- the Bentley missions are improved from the demo (and actually fairly fun), the Murray missions are good, and of course the Sly missions are excellent. It still has quite a bit of platforming (presented in a lot of different ways) and they've gotten rid of the mini-games that were so boring in the first. The game looks really nice with nearly as much style as the first game but less slow down. I'm definitely going to buy it within the next month.
I liked the first Sly game at the time but recently I played it again and I'm afraid it hasn't aged extraordinarily well. At the time I felt it was pretty much toe to toe with the first Ratchet and clank. But then Going Commando came. After playing that Sly 1's missions seem kind of uninspired.
But this makes me actually excited at the prospect of a newly evolved Sly in the form of this sequel.
This game is fuckin great and my personal fav of the fall rush so far. I just foiled Jean Bison's train plans. Good times!

The animation, the presentation, the music, the art style...GODDAMN I LOVE THIS GAME.


Anyone who likes platformers needs to give this game a chance. I was honestly disappointed at first but with more play it may be my favorite game this year. There's no way Jak 3 will be more fun, its only competition is R&C.


Finally finished it and have to say I wasn't too happy with it. It is less a platformer and too mission based for me. Most of the missions are literally 2 or 3 rooms and play more as mini-games than anything else. All in all it was not a bad game, just not what I was expecting.
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