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Anyone have or heard Danielle Brisebois "Portable Life" CD?

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It was never released, outside of a small amount for reviewers, radio play, etc etc.. (which actually turned out to number quite alot, but still not many)..

so now it sells for like 40-80 on Ebay..

i am curious if anyone here has it or has heard it; is it as good as her first album?

I love the new radicals, and have been trying to get as much stuff as gregg alexander put his hands on... so naturally brisebois's 2 cds produced by him sound alot like the new radicals but with a girl singer.

anyone ever see this cd on kazaa or anything?
she was never a big artist...

also, i need to find gregg alexander's "Michigan Rain"... I have "intoxifornication".. and i shoulda bought michigan rain back in the day, now its not on ebay at all.
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