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anyone have the speed racer DVD's?

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First tragedy, then farce.
I've been thinking of grabbing these (at about 15 bucks apiece, not a bad deal) but was wondering how the overall quality of them is. Hopefully the entire series will be out in the not to distant future... I really would like to nab them all, I loved this cartoon as a kid.


Well, I don't own them, but I saw them, works out pretty much the same Set one for 10 and set two for 18 or so.

I would buy it just because Set 2 bx lights up and sings the theme song now that's sweet.

Did Speed racer ever learn that Racer X was his brother?


I've got both DVDs and they're pretty good. Picture quality is really clear and the audio seems a bit cleaned up too - with campy dialogue still intact. Special features are kinda weak on both DVDs, but the price is right.
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