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Anyone Here Going To Siggraph?

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I'm going to Siggraph to find another job in Hollywood or the videogame industry and I was wondering if anyone else here is going too? It's being held in the LA Convention Center, where E3 is held, from Aug 10-12.

I'm bringing with me 50 buisness cards and demo reels/portfolios to hand out to employers there. My website now has my new downloadable demo reel. Just go here...


I just recently finished my first 100% Tablet PC picture (no paper, no pencil, no paint...all drawn using a Tablet pen on a pressure sensitive screen).

3rd Sky is coming along very well, but the production pace has slown down quite bit. Here's some more work-in-progress renders...



An over load of new renders of the finished characters will be posted on Sept 1st on the 3rd Sky website.


Nice artwork. Your films make no sense though. I would also work on your typography. A nice site layout would be nice too. It's all about presentation.


No plan to attend, at this moment.

May still drive down last minute if I don't have any work dued that week(and can come up with the money).


Right on, Leguna... Looks like we'll get another chance to hang out since E3 2002. I'll be there one of the days, not sure which one yet. You going to be there all week?


Nice nice, (although your cgi model looks kinda crosseyed, but that's eazy to change)

Anyway, you live in Atlanta, right Leguna? Did you go to the Art Institute of Atlanta? If so, what did you think about it? I'm thinking of going there since they recently started their Video Game Art and Design major. Could be cool.


COOL! Email me your phone number! I still have your email address, so i hope it's the same one. My email address is albertojc@aol.com.

Lyte Edge:
I will go back to school in about 2 to 3 years to get my masters in 3D animation.

Lost Weekend:
People have been pointing that out. Though he doesn't look crossed eyed to me, people say it enough to make me want to fix it and so I will.

I want to work at the Art Institute of Atlanta, but until I'm teaching there I would not recommend that school over schools like Savannah College of Art and Design (where I graduated from). However, SCAD is way more expensive. Be sure you know what you want; doing art as a hobbie or as a career are 2 different things.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Birdo, go to school first and get your masters, then go after a job. It will work out better for you in the end...I'd hate to see what happened to you before all over again.
I don't like the drawing at all. Looks like someone ran over her face with a steamroller. Her eyes are crooked, and the face looks just... odd. The light black blotches make it look like she was beaten up. The hair looks nice, though. Also, that 3D model is nothing to talk about either, but I'll assume you're new at this and you'll get better with time.


Leguna said:
I want to work at the Art Institute of Atlanta, but until I'm teaching there I would not recommend that school over schools like Savannah College of Art and Design (where I graduated from). However, SCAD is way more expensive. Be sure you know what you want; doing art as a hobbie or as a career are 2 different things.

I wish I could afford SCAD, but that ain't gonna happen (been trying to organize the finances since I graduated highschool many years ago) Yeah, I'm sure I want it (been a semi pro showing painter for a good 6 years now) I only say semi pro because Columbus is no art town. I think I hit the glass ceiling here awhile ago. That's part of the reason why i'm moving to ATL, and ofcourse to go back to school and get a marketable skill incase I ever tire of starving :)


Lyte Edge:
I want the industry experience first (have that on my resume), then find myself the teaching job.

Thanks :)

God's Hand:
Yeah, the drawing of the girl isn't that great, I agree. I need to work on my hand stroke technique (that's why her eyes are slightly crooked). I think my coloring could be a lot better.

"Also, that 3D model is nothing to talk about either, but I'll assume you're new at this and you'll get better with time." - Realize that he is only 70% complete. Everything under his waist isn't even textured. There is not a single 100% complete texture on him. I'm going to add geometry to his pants soon too. But anything you have to say about him I want to hear! So please tell me what's wrong with him? That character needs to be perfect.


I heard this hint about 3D models:

If you want their joints to animate well, you should create the base model with joints in their middle position, not at one extreme. You get less distortion that way.
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