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Anyone here play the harmonica? Is it easy to learn?

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Just to give some indication of my current ability, I play piano, guitar and alto sax (Varied levels of proficiency) so music is nothing new to me.

That being said, how easy is it to pick up harmonica? I'm going on a road trip in a few weeks and I want something that I can jam on with my mates. Will I be able to learn a decent amount in just a few weeks? Will any old harmonica do (What's the average price for a quality one?)

I've been looking around, this one looks pretty slick. The reviews are positive and the price (In American) seems right. Any harp players wanna comment?



Also, I've been asking around and reading up, and I've found out that harmonicas are made in different keys, meaning I'll need certain harmonicas to play certain songs. Now, I don't want to go out and buy five different harmonicas right off the bat, so I'm wondering what key I should start out with.

I'd like to play blues and rock, namely artists like Eric Clapton, Led Zeppelin, Bob Dylan and Neil Young.

Would it make the most sense for me to get either an F, C or G harmonica? That's the way I see it right now, I figure they'll allow me the greatest versatility/ability to jam along with some songs from the artists I listed above? Or do I have it wrong? The whole 'five semitones above' concept is really confusing.

Thanks in advance for all the help :)


Heh, I figured it was a long shot, I know we have some musicians on GAF, but I wasn't sure about harmonica players.



Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
The breath control is really weird, having to inhale to hit half the notes and all, but other than that it's pretty straightforward. I've only played a regular harmonica, dunno about blues harmonicas.

How easily did you pick up those other instruments? I'm really intuitive with music, never had real problems picking up and playing anything, so maybe I'm not the one to ask about difficulties.

As for what key, it depends on what you want to be playing, just pay attention to those artists you mentioned and figure it out. Usually vocal type is going to influence what key one plays in, so if you're going to play with a friend that sings, that's something to consider.


in general it's quite easy to learn all harmonica techniques (with the exception of bending and tongue blocking; they're probably going to take a bit more time)

the hardest thing to learn (at least i found it extremely hard) was attaining speed. The thing is, when I picked up a harmonica, I was aiming for John Popper's (Blues Travler's lead singer and harmonica player) solos... that's like trying to learn Beethoven when first starting the piano...

the best harmonica out there is the lee oskar, slightly cheaper but almost equally as good is the hohner special 20... I recommend starting with a harmoinca in the key of C.

you'll probably be able to play bob dylan in a couple of weeks... his harmonica solos are quite easy...

edit: and adelgary... :p
edit2: an excellent site for harmonica tutorials is www.harmonicalessons.com. It used to be free but now it's a pay site :(
edit3:adelgary... meez is in town


Thanks for the advice :)

I think I'll start with a C harmonica as well, see if I can wrap my brain around it, and if it works out, maybe I'll pick up another key before I leave on my trip as well.

As for the person who asked how easily I picked up all my instruments -

I've been playing piano for nearly 8 years now, guitar for two and a half and alto sax for three.

I took piano lessons as well as played in a large band with my sax, so those were more academic environments. The guitar I learned completely by myself however (As a result, my technique is a bit sloppy :p). I'm by no means an expert in any of them though, and I'm only really starting to learn blues/jazz improv, so I still haven't tapped into the full potential of the instruments.

Can't wait to get my hands on a harmonica, hopefully I'll get the basics down quickly :)


Mugen said:
This is weird cause I was contemplating on getting myself a harmonica.

Do it, you've got nothing to lose. Picking up a new instrument is always a fantastic experience!

Edit: Damn, I just checked and the music shop near me doesn't have any Lee Oskars. So I was thinking of the Hohner Special 20. The other choice would've been the Marine Band, but I prefer the look of the former.


Yep I get it. It's the Live8 think with Neil Young. And I do know how to play piano, but not like complicated stuff but just basic. Getting getting one for a pasttime but not like a serious hobby.


sonarrat said:
Or a huge-ass chore.. but when it 'clicks' it's sure as hell fun.

Yeah, that's true. I remember first starting on guitar was so discouraging. Thank God I was a fast learner, otherwise it might've soured me on the instrument!


Ok, so I did some more reading, trying to understand what I can play with a harmonica.

So let me see if I have this straight -

If I have a C harmonica:

By blowing, I can play every note of the C major scale.

By drawing in, I am no longer in C, but a perfect fifth above it. Therefore, I should have access to every note of the G major scale, if I understand correctly?

In addition, I'll have access to other notes which aren't found in the C or G major scales by bending, this is what gives me access to the blues scale notes, correct?


Since the C major blues scale has notes like D#, F#, and A# (Or Eb, Gb, Bb, whichever you prefer), I'll have to bend to reach those notes since they are not found in the C or G major scales.

For those who play, is this right?
7imz said:
edit3:adelgary... meez is in town

Oh really? That's great... I don't know when/if I'll be able to see him, I work till 8pm every day, and barely have time to eat, wash and sleep, it sucks :(

So I take it you're still in town? I got Wario Ware Twisted, it rocks :p

Oh, harmonicas... I like them!

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
I suck at wind instruments in general (I'm a strings guy) so yes, it was very hard for me :(. I can never get used to the fact that blowing in AND drawing in plays notes...


samash.com has some Lee Oskars (and for $25... why not?)

I was thinking about picking up the Harmonica myself... I'm just so friggin busy... I dunno if I'll stick with it. I play the drums and had to stop because of other shit... I dunno... Harmonica is cool...

Go for it and stay with it... I wish I could!
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