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Anyone in here draw/design comic books?

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I'd love to get into start/writing a comic book, and have actually been writing a story for one and planning out.. but i have little to no drawing skills..

i'd love to hook up with someone else, hash out some ideas and get to work on a comic book, but dont even know where to look .. any ideas?


Unconfirmed Member
My advice would be to start sketching out your ideas, even if your art is bad just so you can start to flesh out concepts, pacing, themes etc. (edit: ever see American Splendor? ;))

Plus it will help you net someone to collaborate with if the have a bit more to go by than just your word that "its going to be cool" ;)

Its something I have always been semi interested but I already have alot on my plate so to speak.

J2 Cool

Well, I have a little knowlegde on this as I've been interested and can draw but keep fleshing out your story as you're doing. Once you feel confident enough and have a grasp and feel ready to make a comic book. Write a script in comic book form.. This takes no drawing skill really at all. Just get a blank sheet. Frame your 1 page with squares similar to how a comic book's outlines would look. Wide shots, tall shots, etc. etc.

1. info/description of scene which will be 1 frame and the dialogue if any.

2. ^

3. ^

4. ^

5. ^

Then you can go from there and either draw what little you could or see if someone you know can do art wants to collaborate. I told my friend this method and told him to make a script of a graphic novel he though of in this form and I'll draw it. Maybe color, not sure. Should be fun and I may start my own script
thanks for the tips guys..

i will start doign that stuff and hopefully eventually meet someone who i can colloborate with and make a comic book out of ...


I talk to Charles Wallace on another forum, I guess he's working on Iron Man or something right now. He was doing Legion for a good while. Seems like it's hard work and the deadlines are always too tight.
bjork said:
I talk to Charles Wallace on another forum, I guess he's working on Iron Man or something right now. He was doing Legion for a good while. Seems like it's hard work and the deadlines are always too tight.

Basically. Comics are about as easy to make money on as science fiction novels - the general rule for both is don't quit your day job.

I totally agree with what scola has to say. Sketch it out. Your ideas get on paper and who knows, maybe your drawing skills will improve. I did just that last year when I participated in a 24 hour comic challenge. I hadn't drawn anything in months beforehand, generally hate how my drawing turned out, but appreciate that I finished it.
i dont really want to make money necessarily, just not lose money...

with my current job, i end up having alot of free time, time i could use to run my own business or something.. doing a comic book would fill that time, be alot of fun, allow me to creatively get a story out, and who knows, maybe turn into something profitable (though probably not)..

i need to meet up with someone in chicago that is very gifted artistically and can draw comic book style very well, and get something going.. i have the storyline through MANY issues already down, but not the actual frames down, ill start doing that.. i studied entrepreneurship in college so hopefully i could handle the business end of it all...

anyone have any idea how you go about getting it published or publishing it yourself and selling it to comic book stores?
LuckyBrand said:
anyone have any idea how you go about getting it published or publishing it yourself and selling it to comic book stores?

Definitely some books on the subject, including graphic novels.

But hey, as scola said, go watch American Splendor. Now. :)


Why not write a book instead of a comic book? If your story is any good, it removes your need for an artist and you can go straight for looking for a publisher. Maybe afterwards, you can look for an artist with a successful book to base a comic upon.

Just a thought.
Saturnman said:
Why not write a book instead of a comic book? If your story is any good, it removes your need for an artist and you can go straight for looking for a publisher. Maybe afterwards, you can look for an artist with a successful book to base a comic upon.

Just a thought.

i was thinking about that; but when i think of the story, i think of it more as a comic book story.. it is naturally a story for the comics, and i dont think it would work nearly as well without some visual reference...

i dunno, i dont think it would necessarily work as a comic book sales wise either since it has no hero.. there are no good guys either... maybe i can put somethign together and post it for you guys to critique sometime... see if you guys like it or not.
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