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anyone know about Jaleco's arcade Over Rev on Model 2?


hyperbolically metafictive
hm, i thought maybe you were talking about jaleco's super gt 24h, but i've never even heard of over rev before. doesn't look so good.


nope not Super GT 24 Hours (no relation to Scud Race / Super GT btw) which was converted to Saturn.

maybe Over Rev was a prototype that never made it like Data East's Air Walkers, a Model 2 basketball game.






if it's what I think it is, then O M G!

but if it isn't, and it smells like it isn't, then meh, move along.


OMG! found a screen that tilts the scale in the could be direction!


!!! see the track map! that'd be a mountain pass! !!!




arcade screens always suck so much ass...


I'm checking with other people if the association works, but if it pans out, this MIGHT be a gae based on the OR manga. wich I dearly love, because it's like Initial D with characters that aren't boring as drying paint, more chicks and a somewhat less annoing setting...

The way Initial D is set up, Takumi is a freakin' GOD, he's gonna win. you watch /read it to see how he wins. Over rev is the other way around, the main character (Ryoko) starts out sucking, she even ditches a Silvia in the harbord trying to drift, and unlike takumi wich basically had a kick ass trueno on a silver platter from his father, she has to end up buying an old AW11 from a junkyard because she can't even afford an AE86.

And ultimately, you read it because you dont know what's gonna happen, because it's not race after racer after race... there's a progression.

dammit mangacity! hurry up with the releases!!! :(


Ok, I had my answer. Over Rev Volume 1 was published in april 1997, wich puts the standalone chapters well before that. The time frame is right, the context of the game seems right, all I'd need now is a screenshot of an MkI to make it official ;)

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