Perhaps the older members felt threatened by the opening of the boards this year. Before GAF was open to all, it was a pretty tight-knit community. GAF was a fairly good place to get news, seriously discuss games, and perhaps discuss some other things that interested us. You could come to GAF with any game-related question, and chances are, you'd get a straight answer within the hour. Sure, guys were snarky, but nothing like the GAF of today. Now, a lot of us who were here before the floodgates flew open remember the days when a good banning was the highlight of the week, when a Lohan post would get you laughed right out of town. I guess what it comes down to is the fact the boards have lost a little dignity. Not to say that all junior members are contributing to the decline of the board, but there are only a few who really step up and keep GAF from being like every other gaming nuthouse on the net.