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Anyone own a webcam?

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Gold Member
To complete my PC setup and since there are a few free-long distance video phones in the works, I went out to Best Buy today and picked up this:

Anyone else here use a webcam and tried out any of the video phone software yet?


Gold Member
SKluck said:
I believe the webcam craze has passed, with good reason.

AT&T and a couple other carriers are working on some video phone software. For people who don't get to see family due to distance, webcams are useful.

aoi tsuki

Yeah, i'm looking at taking advantage of the long distance voice chat to keep in touch with my mom. i originally got my webcam to talk to some of women i met online, but that phase passed.

To me, the best thing about a webcam is that with the right software, you can use it as a motion detector to record pictures or video, or do stuff like time lapse photograpy. The quality isn't great, bu it can be very useful, especially as a security camera. i pointed my webcam out the window, and let it take a picture every minute minutes for about 16 hours. Pretty slick.
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