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Anyone seen any good movies lately?


The Tribe Has Spoken
Yeah the homage shots were really nice, but I do like how they didn't just tell that exact same story either. I'm not super familiar with the series so I'm not sure if the movie plot was some new stuff or some older existing story stuff worked in there.
I hadn’t watched the anime movie in years (decades) and never watched the series, but some of the shots and tone seemed very faithful to me. People should watch it if they’re on the fence.

Also ScarJ:messenger_smiling_hearts:


My only complaint is that the tank battle isn't as cool as the original GITS anime movie. With today's technology it should have been even better.

Davey Cakes

Just watched Mission Impossible: Fallout this morning. Fun ride! So many glorious shots of Tom Cruise running.

I really liked Rogue Nation as well. Should really catch up on MI3 and Ghost Protocol.
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Just watched Mission Impossible: Fallout this morning. Fun ride! So many glorious shots of Tom Cruise running.

I really liked Rogue Nation as well. Should really catch up on MI3 and Ghost Protocol.

I need to see both Rogue Nation and Fallout. I’ve loved every Mission Impossible film thus far, so I am sure I’ll love those two as well.


Neo Member
One of them was The Muppet Movie(1979). I really liked the visuals and the story.
I laughed at Miss Piggy's voice though :messenger_winking_tongue:


The Last Temptation of Christ (Netflix)
Still a really good film and Willlem Dafoe is great in it. I'm not religious myself so don't know everything about Jesus but the last half hour is some great alternate reality stuff and I can see why it was controversial when it was released. It's a slow burn so be aware of that if you decide to watch it.

The Wolf of Wall Street (Netflix)
We continued our Martin Scorsese journey with this film and god damn is it ever still great. So many funny moments and of course incredible acting by DeCaprio, Margot Robbie looks fecking great naked and it's has some real dramatic moments towards the end. Also a long film but definitely not a slow burn, it's pretty fast paced. For those that don't know it's about a man called Jordan Belfort and his career in the stock market, not everything he did was strictly legal of course.
Great film.

Davey Cakes

I need to see both Rogue Nation and Fallout. I’ve loved every Mission Impossible film thus far, so I am sure I’ll love those two as well.
Today I saw MI3 and thought it was solid. Now that I’ve seen 3, RN, and Fallout, I’d say these films are only getting better.

Ghost Protocol next.


ChatGPT 0.001

Movie overcomes a lot with pacing, straight to the point etc., everyone is literally vulnerable (drugs, stupid decisions etc.) and I thought it was very interesting to place a lovingly mother as the main villain.
Obviously, it's not a Grammy worthy movie, or Dark Knight but its worth a watch.



Watched this since I've heard good things and I absolutely adore Anya Taylor-Joy. Great dark comedy indie film.

Wanted to also see it since it was Anton Yelchin's last film before he died in that horrible accident.
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Pretty much turned out how I thought it would, although reviewers were kind of misleading in that there was more internal conflict within the kid than there actually was in the movie.

I never expected the film to be this gory though. That was one thing that surprised me and the film does a good job in showing just how overpowered Superman is against humans.

While the movie was disappointing in it's story, it made up for it somewhat in it's set piece scenes.


Report me if I continue to console war
Angel has fallen with Morgan freeman and Gérard butler was good if u want a good action thriller.

I put "mother" with Jennifer Lawrence as some background TV will I eat and it was quite a good comedy, its so daft it's funny, I don't smoke weed anymore but I think this movie would be enjoyable stoned.
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Davey Cakes

Continuing my Mission Impossible viewings, I finally got around to Ghost Protocol today. Really great. The Dubai sequence in particular (with the skyscraper climbing) had me sweating.

While I found Mission Impossible 3 entertaining, that movie felt a bit serious. I honestly enjoy the "fun" air these movies have had since Ghost Protocol. Bringing Simon Pegg (Benji) into the field really perfected the semi-humorous tone mixed with the serious stakes. I like that missions never go off without a hitch.

I probably need to revisit Rogue Nation but man, I'm having a tough time here. We have 6 movies, the first two which I've never seen. BUT, I think the last three are almost equally great. For now I'll say RN > GP > Fallout > 3, but that's not set in stone. They all have memorable, standout setpieces.
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Balto (Netflix)
I had never seen this before and it was a pretty good little animated flick. It's quite short too at less than an hour and a half. The animation is absolutely stunning, very smooth. I was sad to learn that it was a box office bomb, lost lots of money. It's based on a true story about a town in Alaska that gets struck with a sickness and they have no medicine left. They send a dog sled team 600 miles away to acquire the medicine. It's highly inaccurate compared to the real life story but still fun.

First Blood (Google Play)
With the new movie coming out this week, decided to finally watch the original films, never seen the original 3.
The first film is really weird and absolutely not what I expected. It's essentially a man about PTSD and is pushed to far by the local cops of the town he is passing through. I wasn't too impressed by the film until the very end where you see Rambo break down and cry, that final scene really made the film.

First Blood: Part 2 (Google Play)
This was a bit more in line with what I expected, Rambo sent to the jungle to kick arse. Well, he wasn't actually sent to kick arse, only to take photos but he ends up kicking a lot of arse. I wasn't aware of the theme of this film either, it was basically a massive "fuck you" to the American government for treating Vietnam vets like shit, at least I assume it did.

Long Shot (Google Play)
I didn't get to see this in the cinemas, the Philippines can really suck when it comes to American comedies, as an example Good Boys was in cinema here for less than a bloody week. Both Seth Rogan and Charlize Theron are great in this, Theron is god damn drop dead gorgeous too! Majority of the jokes land for e, I found it quite hilarious. It's just a shame that it follows the same tropes as most rom-roms, the couple always has an issue towards the end and need to overcome that issue. It's so formulaic it's boring. Still a great comedy that I recommend.


just saw Pass Thru, the Neil Breen movie. it was my first Breen and it was glorious. the plot of the movie is that he is alien A.I. who kills off all the "bad" people which are listed off as cliche CEOs, corporate bosses, stock market traders, etc. the climax of the movie is hilarious and disturbing at the same time, he goes on international news an announces that he will kill 300 million people. then later he walks through a field of dead bodies and it's supposed to be a happy ending (?). truly insane.

for some reason he had dirt on his face for the entire movie. he basically looked like a junkie hobo, except for when we went to a mansion and transformed into wearing a tuxedo. my stomach was hurting from laughing during this part where he was chatting with some rich people and they would say something about their business and he would respond with totally deadpan earnest questions like "Isn't that corruption?" lol this went on over and over, all these "rich people" green screened into this screenshot from a hotel website, standing in a small circle, and him going "Isn't that greedy?" just lol

goddamn this movie is hilarious.
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The Iron Giant (1999)

One of my favorite animated movies ever. I hadn't seen it in a long time. The Blu-Ray had a great new scene added. It was cut from the original version for some reason.

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The Iron Giant (1999)

One of my favorite animated movies ever. I hadn't seen it in a long time. The Blu-Ray had a great new scene added. It was cut from the original version for some reason.


The HD transfer they did of this movie is absolutely beautiful. I know animation usually upscales pretty well in most cases, but sometimes you get bad ones like the transfer of the Great Mouse Detective. The whites are so distracting in the way they shimmer.


The HD transfer they did of this movie is absolutely beautiful. I know animation usually upscales pretty well in most cases, but sometimes you get bad ones like the transfer of the Great Mouse Detective. The whites are so distracting in the way they shimmer.
Yeah the transfer looked very good. I really liked the colors. I haven't watched many animated movies on Blu-Ray.

King Kong (1976)

I really like this remake. Its not as good as the original or the 2005 version but I have always liked it. Jeff Bridges and Jessica Lange play the main characters. It has a great score by John Barry.

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I bought the Lethal Weapon bluray collection for $20 on Amazon, I love these movies. Today I'm watching the third one, and it's just funny to me how far back this badass chick thing goes back in movies, yet there's still this notion that even today men are scared of strong female representation.

This franchise is considered one of those classic machismo guy franchises. This movie is 27 years old, and it prominently features Renee Russo as a sexy and intelligent Internal Affairs agent who impresses our hero Mel Gibson constantly. He doesn't understand what a computer is, she's a whiz. There's the scene leading up to their sex scene where they are both comparing and trying to show up each other's battle scars. Next they're out investigating some perps, and Mel and Danny literally stand back and watch as Renee takes down 5 guys. Rigs is getting hard. Murtaugh is like, uh Rigs, there's 5 of them. Rigs says, yeah I know, just chill, watch this he says. She takes them all down, Murtaugh runs up and helps with the last one, but it's made clear she didn't need no man. She does take a bullet in the final confrontation, and is sidelined while Rigs gets to take the glory, whereas today there would absolutely be a little twist where Rigs and Murtaugh are dead to rights and she gets to save them both somehow.

Great flicks though, I love the music in particular, all of them had the music done by Michael Kamen and Eric Clapton, I love the little guitar riffs throughout, and particularly the abundance of saxophone.
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Training Day was not what I was expecting. Good movie though.

it's just funny to me how far back this badass chick thing goes back in movies, yet there's still this notion that even today men are scared of strong female representation.
It's been a thing since for fucking goddamn ever. People are too retarded to watch older movies and/or use their brains though. Guys I saw a moobie and a woman show her boobie. Very sexism!!



I mean, yeah, there have been bad ass chicks in movies for a long time. You can probably count the memorable ones on 1 hand though. Meanwhile you'd need 20 hands to count the many male bad asses.
I think that's the point.


I mean, yeah, there have been bad ass chicks in movies for a long time. You can probably count the memorable ones on 1 hand though. Meanwhile you'd need 20 hands to count the many male bad asses.
I think that's the point.
Uhh stallone, arnie, lundgren, van damme, norris, who else?

maybe women should do something about that
I don't think women even care. Assassination Nation with all its trigger warnings and nonsense was directed by a dude lmao. So was Lucy, Atomic Blonde, Everly and probably 99% percent of all action movies starring women.


Uhh stallone, arnie, lundgren, van damme, norris, who else?

Jason Statham, Keanu Reeves, Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Bruce Willis, Wesley Snipes, Nicholas Cage, Chow Yun Fat, Harrison Ford, Antonio Banderas, Michael Jai White, Mel Gibson, Vin Diesel, Sean Connery, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Robert Downy Jr, Steven Seagal, Tom Cruise, Daniel Craig,

Need I go on?

Prison Mike

Jason Statham, Keanu Reeves, Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Bruce Willis, Wesley Snipes, Nicholas Cage, Chow Yun Fat, Harrison Ford, Antonio Banderas, Michael Jai White, Mel Gibson, Vin Diesel, Sean Connery, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Robert Downy Jr, Steven Seagal, Tom Cruise, Daniel Craig,

Need I go on?
Eastwood, brando, bronson


Jason Statham, Keanu Reeves, Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Bruce Willis, Wesley Snipes, Nicholas Cage, Chow Yun Fat, Harrison Ford, Antonio Banderas, Michael Jai White, Mel Gibson, Vin Diesel, Sean Connery, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Robert Downy Jr, Steven Seagal, Tom Cruise, Daniel Craig,

Need I go on?
statham is generic
keanu isn't really an action star
if we're bringing asians into this there's more female asian stars than any other race
willis is cool
snipes isnt an action star
neither is cage
harrison ford is han solo and indy. wouldnt count him.
nobody cares about banderas
who tf is michael jai white?
mel gibson isnt an action star
fuck vin diesel and the rock and their generic ass shitty movies that people watch then forget about the next day.
sean connery is james bond. doesnt count. not action movies.
nobody cares about the marvel soyboys.
seagal was cool
fuck tom cruise. hes also gay.
fuck daniel craig and his shit movies. not an action star.

ok you added a couple. nowhere near 20.

Eastwood, brando, bronson
clint was a westerns guy so i dont count him
what the fuck was brando in besides the godfather?
bronson is known for death wish and what else?


Your reply is hilarious, "not true because I say so".
All I'll say is that I mentioned asian action stars that have had a presence in the Hollywood scene.


Your reply is hilarious, "not true because I say so".
All I'll say is that I mentioned asian action stars that have had a presence in the Hollywood scene.
most of those guys you mentioned nobody gives a fuck about anymore. you say memorable but nobody cares. nobody thinks fucking avengers is some memorable action film. its a childrens movie.


most of those guys you mentioned nobody gives a fuck about anymore. you say memorable but nobody cares. nobody thinks fucking avengers is some memorable action film. its a childrens movie.

Sorry to break it to you brap but no one cares about Lundgren, Van Damm or Norris anymore either.


Sorry to break it to you brap but no one cares about Lundgren, Van Damm or Norris anymore either.
Damn, there's even less memorable action stars than I thought! Surprised you didn't bring up Liam Nesson though. Yet another old white guy who had his 15 mins of fame and now nobody gives a fuck about him.


I watched all 4 movies from the Alien Anthology I bought several years ago, finally.

Alien 1 is a masterpiece, Alien 2 is great sequel, but not better imo. 3 is incredibly ugly and dull, and Resurrection is pretty terrible as well - written by Joss Whedon and featuring Ripley doing half court basketball shots over her shoulder.


I watched all 4 movies from the Alien Anthology I bought several years ago, finally.

Alien 1 is a masterpiece, Alien 2 is great sequel, but not better imo. 3 is incredibly ugly and dull, and Resurrection is pretty terrible as well - written by Joss Whedon and featuring Ripley doing half court basketball shots over her shoulder.

I tend to watch Resurrection the most since it is the least intense. It is pretty terrible but I still enjoy it.
I saw the new Rambo in theatres. I'd say it was enjoyable. It was like a mixture of taken and equalizer but with a Rambo style and a worse version of both films but with better violence/gore.


Today I watched Prometheus, another bluray I've had forever but never watched. This was the first movie I ever saw in 3D at the theatres, I really enjoyed it then, and I still enjoy it now. Not sure why it gets so much hate, considering the entries that came before it. The visuals are fantastic, the cast is great, the story was engaging I felt, I don't know what people expected.

A side note, I'm not sure I had ever actually seen the original Alien before this weekend, just bits here and there. I really fucking love that old Space Trucker trope, personified by the late Harry Dean Stanton:


I just love the old notions of science fiction - the 70's imagining what the future would be like. Truckers chain smoking and drinking while they haul cargo across the galaxy, Charlton Heston lighting up a fat cigar after waking up from a long cryostasus lol. I miss that vision of the future.


I just love the old notions of science fiction - the 70's imagining what the future would be like. Truckers chain smoking and drinking while they haul cargo across the galaxy
hell yeah. have you seen "Dark Star"? it's John Carpenter's first movie and it's basically that.

we just watched Gremlins 2. it was fun and crazy! also damn that movie moves fast, things are set up and paid off within a minute. loved Gizmo's Rambo anti-training montage. what a crazy, silly movie.
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Saw Spiderman: Far From Home.

Meh, honestly I'm glad he is exiting the MCU.
Maybe it's because I'm playing the Ps4 game right now or maybe it's because all the Spiderman comics I owned as a kid were about older Peter Parker. But even though I like Tom Holland in the role and the action itself is good, I can't stand the "Peter Parker's highschool adventures" style of his 2 MCU movies, nor how hard they are trying to turn him into the next Iron Man.

Holland is 23, so hopefully his next Spiderman movie with Sony just starts with a 4-5 years timeskip.


Between Two Ferns - 5/10
Had some funny moments but nothing special.

Mean Girls - 7/10
Been meaning to watch this and it was decent. Don’t think it’s worthy of the attention everyone gives it. They’re no Scream Queens or anything.

Super - 6/10
Gunns worst movie from what I’ve seen so far from him.


Just watched Disney's Cinderella again for the first time in years since Disney keeps botching the transfers. I finally broke down and got the Blu-ray since it was free. I'd love to kick all these feminists in the face that keep badmouthing this magical film. I used to watch my vhs copy religiously and I still absolutely adore it.
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No, but it sounds kind of interesting from the wikipedia page, I might have to check that out!
It’s kind of a student film like THX and has a really cool easy going plot and trucker dudes in space aesthetics. At one point the movie turns into Alien but if it was a comedy. Lots of fun to watch! Ending is appropriately trippy too
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Watched the Back to the Future bluray collection last night. Man I really fucking hope they leave that alone and don't try to reboot it. Not because it will sully the original or whatever, but I just don't think they can ever even come close to that magic again.

It's a near perfect movie trilogy in my opinion - incredibly accessible science fiction with a big heart, good laughs, great setups and callbacks using the time travel, outstanding cast, great effects, one of the all time great musical themes - these movies always make me just feel good.

1 is perfect, 2 is great but I think has aged worse than the others because of the goofier sc-fi elements. 3 is probably my favourite nowadays, I love the conclusion to their adventure, and the Western setting is really fun.
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Perhaps a dumb question - if you buy a 4K movie that says +bluray, does that come with 2 separate discs? I've never purchased one of those and I have no idea if it will actually play on my basic ass bluray player.
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