Last Night in Soho
Half of a good movie. Ana Taylor Joy is very charismatic, retro London is cool and it's beautifully rendered, until it isn't.
Totally failed by the script.
Oh brother. I shouldn't have watched this right after The Last Duel. All men in the film minus one—the harmless simp love interest—are cartoonish pervert creeps to the extreme. And the women are straight out of Mean Girls, except this is not a high school teen comedy. It's not entirely a dealbreaker in the first half, since it’s full of fun and mesmerizing scenes intertwined between London time periods that carry it, and Ana Taylor Joy has a couple great moments with Matt Smith, but once it decides to be a #metoo horror film it falters under its tonal mismatch and facile storytelling. About an hour straight of the protagonist entering a scene and then running out of the room screaming hysterically, chased by misogynist ghosts. Evil men catcall the protagonist and her alter ego everywhere they go. Evil men approach her at bars and parties with pick up lines like, "my dick just died, can I bury it in your ass?"
It's clearly influenced by stylish horror classics like Suspiria, but comes nowhere near hitting that mark. It's not smart enough and the social commentary is cartoonish and one dimensional.
Then... The protagonist hugs the mass murdering psychopath lady who about 60 seconds ago attempted to murder both the protagonist and her useless boyfriend (who is on the floor in the next room bleeding out from a giant knife to the gut). I don't think even Naruto would offer up a hug in the middle of all that, standing on top of 100 corpses of murdered johns under the floorboards.The protagonist also leaves Terence Stamp to die without a care in the world, which is never followed up on. But it's okay since men are evil.
Still maybe worth a stream for Ana Taylor Joy's romps through London in the '60s. But could've been much more without the warped morality and hollow characterization.