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anyone selling Ninja Gaiden Xbox?

ive been looking around ebay and so on, and most people (after shipping) are still charging over $40!! that's a little too much for me, so i thought i'd ask here before i bought used from EBgames or gamestop. is anyone selling ninja gaiden for xbox? and if so, how much? i can paypal immediately :D


I'll sell you mine for $100! Even though it is worth 100 times that amount, if not more.

Suck it up, lay 50 bones down for this game! I've seen Target run specials from time to time for $37.88. But not right now. Used is for the weak minded....

In my day I used to walk 50 miles uphill in snow both ways to get to my local shop so I could buy a 2MBit cartridge for $79.99!
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