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Anyone think OJ didn't do it?

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Anyone think OJ didn't do it?




The chewbacca defence says he's innocent, if the chewbacca defence is wrong then i just don't know what's right :(


Hollywood Square

"Heh, I haven't worn this glove since I killed Nico- WHAT I MEAN IS THIS GLOVE CANNOT POSSIBLY FIT MY GIANT MAN-SIZED HANDS!"


Oh hell yes he did it, but the prosecution did a terrible job while his attorneys worked wonders. Such is the legal system.


Like Bill Simmons says, considering how insanely guilty he was and how poorly he pulled of this "caper" it's *amazing* how badly the cops and prosecuters fucked up the case.

We always hear phrases like "Fight of the Century" and "Trial of the Century" ... well, this really was the Trial of the Century. A Pro Football Hall of Fame running back might or might not have killed his wife and one of her male friends. All evidence pointed to him. No other suspects. No alibi. A disturbing history of domestic abuse. A motive. Blood splattered everywhere, including back at the suspect's house.

Fortunately for the defense, the LAPD started mangling this case from the moment they arrived in Brentwood. Do you realize that, right after the murders, the LAPD interviewed Simpson for 30 minutes -- without his lawyers present! -- and failed to tie him down to any sort of an alibi, then let him go when they ran out of questions? Simpson admitted to dripping blood all over the place on the very same night his wife was brutally murdered, a night in which he had no alibi whatsoever, and they didn't even pursue this? In a movie scene, wouldn't they have been battering away at him for hours on end, while O.J. chainsmoked with sweat pouring from his head? Please.

The prosecution was equally inept, screwing up the case to smithereens. (If you're interested in the gory details, read "Outrage" by Vincent Bugliosi). Marcia Clark, so confident and cocksure at the beginning of the trial, became more and more harried as things dragged along. At one point, after the Enquirer published revealing photos of her, she actually broke down in court as Darden shielded her from the Court TV cameras. By the middle of the trial, Judge Lance Ito was treating her with open disdain, which was funny because he was such a joke in his own right (thanks to his Art Shell-ian clock management, the jury was sequestered for more time than any jury in the history of California).

Meanwhile, Darden was self-destructing like John Starks against the Rockets, unable to stand up to boyhood idol Johnnie Cochran. As Cochran gleefully pushed his buttons, snidely questioning his competence and experience, poor Darden became so flustered he would actually turn away from the judge's desk and rock back and forth like Leo Mazzone. You really had to see it. There were at least four different times during the trial when it seemed like Darden would snap and either have a nervous breakdown or kill everyone in a 25-foot vicinity. It was like watching one of the roommates slowly lose his mind over the course of a "Real World" season.

I have to find that "Outrage" book. I had never heard the story about how Bailey goaded Darden into having OJ try the glove on by whispering he had the balls of a field mouse.


I remember reading somewhere that it said OJ's son did the murder, but he covered it up so his son wouldn't get in any trouble.
Someone was telling me that a opinion pole showed that the majority of whites believe he's guilty but that a large percentage of blacks think he's innocent.


Hollywood Square
The Shadow said:
Someone was telling me that a opinion pole showed that the majority of whites believe he's guilty but that a large percentage of blacks think he's innocent.

Welcome to 1995.

Justin Bailey

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While I believe OJ's as guilty as sin, I can't help but admire Cochran's skills as a lawyer. The OJ case will go down in history as a reminder to prosecutors that there is no such thing as an open-and-shut case.
Willco said:
Welcome to 1995.

Actually the poll was pretty recent as Shadow said.

And no, I don't think he did it. A lot of questions remain to be answered, but the police's first mistake was not ruling out all other options and just focusing on OJ.


I pretty much think it was his son Jason. Really bad temper, tons of emotional problems and they say he really hated Nicole. I don't think OJ did it, and I'm not 100% perfect sure his son did, but I definitely think he knows more than he told.


Evolution VIII said:
Actually the poll was pretty recent as Shadow said.

And no, I don't think he did it. A lot of questions remain to be answered, but the police's first mistake was not ruling out all other options and just focusing on OJ.

I fucking AWTP.
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