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Anyone Watched The Grayson (Robin) Movie Preview?

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There is a movie preview for Grayson... it is really cool... it is similar to the fan-made Batman with the Aliens and Predators...

I don't have Quicktime on my PC here at work with speakers... my other PC with Quicktime doesn't have sound...

But I did watch the fan-made preview and it is really fucking sweet!
I saw this the other day, and I guess it was okay... some parts of the trailer were well done, but then they just started showing superhero after superhero... I was laughing pretty hard by the time the Green Lantern showed up.


I agree, I laughed when I saw Wonder Woman, Green Lantern... I still have not listened to the sound yet for the trailer.

The trailer would have been better with just Superman as the other hero.


I got the 'small' resolution file. I recommend that one.

It's not too small to enjoy, looks good at 2x, and is a lot smaller in size than the big one.

That being said, why was he fighting with Superman?


Probably cuz Robin was getting too dark, he was enraged with revenge... who knows... I will watch it tonight with sound at home.


It's good but Robin doesn't need to be edgy. It defeats the point of replacing Bruce and is what really differentiates him from Bruce. Robin is also his kid costume, he should be Nightwing.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
I didn't really like it to much. It seemed pretty corny, especially after all of the other super heroes appeared for no reason.
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