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Anyone watching last comic standing?

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Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I thought out of the final six Gary really shined. Alonzo was a close second but at this point I would have to give it to Gary. That bit about the brown paper towels at elememty school had me rolling. Everything he did was new also.
My girlfriend and I are OBSESSED with this show.

I cannot believe people liked Jay more than Todd last week.

If it were up to me, John, Gary and Alonzo would be moving on, although Kathleen's ketchup joke was funny.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I would probably agree with those final three although John's performance last night was not one of his best.


Banstick Emeritus
That Jay London guy needs to GO. He does the same bloody thing every week!

"thank you"

"do I disturb you, ma'am?"

"I'll just move over here"

"it'll be over soon, ma'am"



Drunky McMurder
The only person who disappointed me was Jay, but we've seen two full performances of his compared to just bits and pieces of the others.

Tammy and Kathleen were both a lot funnier than I had expected.

I think the final three should be John Heffron, Gary, and Kathleen.


Banstick Emeritus
Heffron was hilarious, definitely my number one pick after last night. Kathleen (the Sicilian, right) was weird - at first I couldn't stand her, now I'm strangely attracted to her on a sexual level and I don't know why. Disturbing.

Toss up between Alonzo and Gary for the final spot.


Drunky McMurder
The sicilian is Tammy. I don't find her funny, but she had a decent set last night(Up until now I've thought her to be horrible. Decent is a big improvement). Kathleen was the other woman in the finals.

Heffron's been my number one pick since the 10 house members were chosen, he's just hillarious(Although his sitcom pitch was shitty...a fault inherent of the sitcom format in general).


what happened tonight? i missed it. who got eliminated? how did they prolong things further? alonzo is the man so he better have not been cut.


Drunky McMurder
effzee said:
what happened tonight? i missed it. who got eliminated? how did they prolong things further? alonzo is the man so he better have not been cut.

The first hour was just background and at least one performance from an earlier "loser"(Jim Norton performed, this was about when I turned it on, probably 8:35 or so), it had a lot of funny segments including the comedians all doing impersonations and mocking each other.

The second hour was the performances by the three finalists. Alonzo was better than expected, but I still think Heffron is the funniest contestant on the show. Thursday will be performances by the three finalists again, the three finalists from the first season, and the announcing of the winner.

A commercial aired that announced season 3 starting also. It's starting soon(It said tuesdays after the olympics, so it may start as soon as next week), and seems to be a competition between casts from the two seasons.


so alonzo was the strongest of the three today? i like heffrom and gary also, prolly gary a bit more but alonzo has been flat out hilarious.

of the three though heffron i think has the best sitcom star possibility...i see a lil ray romano in him.


Drunky McMurder
I don't think Alonzo was the best, I just thought he did better than I expected. I had him as fifth funniest of the six finalists before last week's show, after tonight I think maybe he does deserve third place.

Heffron and Gary were pretty much what I've come to expect, the first and second funniest people in the house.


Claus said:
Wait, Jay is back? Why did they bring him back?

He won the wild card episode when they brought back all the people who had lost to see which one would get back into the competition. he was voted off the very next show though.


Alonzo is my favorite, but John is really close behind. Gary...eh...I just don't find him all that funny. I will say that last night was a really good set for him though. I thought Kathleen was funnier last week though and should have beat him out.

Tammy is just frickin' hot. Not nearly as funny, but oh so yummy. ;)

Oni Jazar

Finally caught the last four finale eps on tivo. I was rooting for John though I thought Alonzo was going to take it. What I'm excited for is the return of the season one comics like Dave Mordal and his ironing lover whose name i forget.
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