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[AP] Midway shoots for cutting edge


The "Mortal Kombat" series has generated $1 billion since its initial release in 1992, and the latest, "Mortal Kombat: Deception," hit U.S. stores Oct. 4. Midway announced on Oct. 12 it had already shipped 1 million copies and that more than 130,000 matches were played over the Internet in the first week after the game was released.

With the holiday season approaching, Midway is hoping "Mortal Kombat: Deception" will help it record its first profit since 1999. The company has added developers, streamlined the product line and revamped its marketing strategy in the last year.
Before dropping $50 on a new title, many video game buyers will scour magazines and Web sites to see what critics are saying, and more than 30 Midway titles have averaged review scores lower than 70 percent since 2002, said Scott Bedard, the founder of gamerankings.com, an online publication that compiles statistical data on game review scores.

Last year, Midway ranked 20th among video game publishers, he said. "They really started getting a bad name for themselves. The name started to get tarnished," Bedard said.

But as of the first week of October, Midway was ranked first in 2004 with an average review score of 83 percent, Bedard said. "They knew where they were heading and that they had to turn it around," he said.


Good games = sales (well, usually)

I predict Midway will pull an Acclaim. Get itself out of bancrupcy by producing several quality games, then going back to the same old crap about 5 years later and go bust.



G'otF'in Y, bitches!
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