Word on the streets is that if A Perfect Circle were to have played the Tonight Show (or if they reschedule the appearance), that Paz would be there to play bass. Apparently Jeordie is busy with a few projects, the latest being new Nine Inch Nails. This photo taken last night was just posted on nin.com showing Jeordie in the studio with Trent and pals. Since the new NIN album is in the mixing stage, we assume Jeordie's role shall be in the new live band. Also on Jeordie's plate is a collaboration with Chris Goss which, as basetendencies.com reports, has seen much progress over the last month or so.
Some of you are beginning to ask if Jeordie is out and Paz is back in. The answer is... Probably not. Paz has just as much going on as Jeordie actually, working with RTX as well as Jarboe. Speaking of that, Paz will be playing with Jarboe at the Troubadour in West Hollywood on November 6th, as simplypaz.com reports.
So who is APC's bassist? While it seems that Danny Lohner played a lot of bass on eMOTIVe, that's probably just because he happened to be around. This is too much of an in-between time to lock down an official current band lineup. Anything is possible, including no change at all.