Going by the OP's guide, I'm an easy 5. If I close my eyes and try to visualise an apple, I get nothing. All knowledge exists strictly in the archive and does not get loaned out to the visual department.
like listening to a story, I visualize sometimes detailed towns in my mind based on the description given... it's weird
I like to think of it as my brain using something like templates. When someone says town, you draw on the idea of "Town", which is an amalgamation of various memories of towns. Then as other details are added, you draw on those. When bricks are being described, you have a default brick you'll think of until specificity places it. Okay, red bricks in this town. It still isn't seeing it, for me it's just... knowing it, I guess. You can build a complex mix of memories, but they are still memories.
To switch metaphors, it's like programming code. You write it all down and you know what it will look like, but the jpegs you reference aren't loaded. You know what it will be, but you can't see it.
Whenever I talk about this with people, it's always related to an "inner voice", which I also don't have. If I need to do something, there's no inner voice. No narration, no thinking a thought out, no acknowledgement of the processing. It's just complete thoughts in an instant. I don't think "I need to get up, walk across the room and turn that light off", I just... do it.
What it's also related to is how we visualise things. For example, if you and a friend look at a glass bottle. I don't process the extraneous information about the bottle unless I make a point to, so I'm not going to pay attention to the shade of it, how the light reflects off it, or any of that. All I see is bottle. There's basic visual information like colours and writing, but I filter out everything that isn't important to the task. And that's why I'm terrible at art. My brain doesn't care about visual details like that by default. I'm also bad at descriptions of people.
"What colour was his hair?"
"I am almost certain he had hair"
Unless for some reason I paid attention to it, it didn't go in