What the armenian genocide have to do with Kurds-Turks relationship ? The kurds are HATED by the armenians since they were heavily involved in mass killing against armenians in the 19th century.
If you want me to speak about how Turkish nationalism suppressed and oppressed Kurds since the kemalist revolution, i can. The systematic suppression of the kurdish identity and language is what gave life to terrorist movement like PKK alongside with the fierce political repression they got from the national turkish army since the 20's. I have been in Kurdish neighbourhood in Istanbul when they weren't allowed to speak kurdish in school and had to salute Ataturk statue claiming to be proud of being of the "glorious turkish race". Every religious and ethnics minorites were crushed by the big ataturk nationalist revolution. Ataturk was the biggest inspiration of Hitler, but yet you'll find a lot of people here praising him since he westernized Turkey.
I know all of that. Oppression don't justify terrorism nor ethnic cleansing, though. One of my roommate in Turkey was a Kurd, and he hated PKK more than me. Most of Kurds hate PKK. It's why it's totally crazy to see people in the West thinking they are supporting kurds while they are in fact supporting totalitarian terrorists groups.
If you want me to speak about how Turkish nationalism suppressed and oppressed Kurds since the kemalist revolution, i can. The systematic suppression of the kurdish identity and language is what gave life to terrorist movement like PKK alongside with the fierce political repression they got from the national turkish army since the 20's. I have been in Kurdish neighbourhood in Istanbul when they weren't allowed to speak kurdish in school and had to salute Ataturk statue claiming to be proud of being of the "glorious turkish race". Every religious and ethnics minorites were crushed by the big ataturk nationalist revolution. Ataturk was the biggest inspiration of Hitler, but yet you'll find a lot of people here praising him since he westernized Turkey.
I know all of that. Oppression don't justify terrorism nor ethnic cleansing, though. One of my roommate in Turkey was a Kurd, and he hated PKK more than me. Most of Kurds hate PKK. It's why it's totally crazy to see people in the West thinking they are supporting kurds while they are in fact supporting totalitarian terrorists groups.